Finally NC figured that they have more Bots inside luna than players playing the game.. that was a good movement @Kibbelz @Loki
But listen, this will not deal with the problem, u guys need to make some changes to make it not harmful to legit players. Like:
- Make instances give u REAL exp
- Make the final box reward of instances drop kinnah boxes, or make the gears droped from there soldable for REAL amounts of kinnah
- Give us one way to farm transformation contracts otherwise than luna, because u guys are making it hard to craft, since people doing luna materials gonna drop drastically.. u cant take out a free way to make transformation contract and dont compensate in other way
- I already said make the instances drops kinnah? Seriously, consider the possibility of kinnah box drop on the reward box on instances
Seriously, with no kinnah box craft, we need more ways to make kinnah!
I know Luna is already a common resource for everyone, but this change can be positive.. making we play the game to be rewarded is the right way to make a game enjoyable, not afking inside a instance everyday
- Also, final tip.. want make people stop buying ice cream and buy stuff from ur store? Fix ur prices for a real honest price at BCM.