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Everything posted by Airm-DN

  1. NCWest doesn't have control of anything anymore. All of it is dictated by NCSoft. So, yeah... Probably won't get decent translations. Not that we did in the first place. The game is rife with bad translations. It was always a problem even in retail. Eh, maybe. EU is kinda flopping right now from what I can tell. I already know a lot of players coming back. But I also think that part of the notes was a translation error. I think it's only going to be the new zone for the new class since it will have its own starting area.
  2. This both does and doesn't surprise me. On one hand, NA has never been great at communication so KR taking over actually makes sense. We can probably just look at KR's patch notes and notices and expect the same changes to take place 2 months after. It's not a great system but it's better than what NA does. "It's working as intended". On the other hand, it's kinda ridiculous that NA doesn't have a bit more autonomy in these situations. The entire point of having regional HQs is to handle regional issues. So, if what you say is factual, NCWest is a pretty pointless entity. At this point, NCSoft could save a ton of money registering "NCNorthAmerica" in Wyoming with a registered agent. That's really all they'd have to do in order to continue operations over here. Remote entry-level devs could push patches just as easily as the current team does (might be more stable too).
  3. Quite nice I must say. The slaps on the face are very touching. Like, if you aren't going to fix the drop rate issue, just tell us. "Hey guys, due to contracts with NCSoft, we cannot fix/change this particular issue. However, we will be implementing the changes to rewards on quests that KR has implemented. These should help with Kinah acquisition and obtaining items." Was that so hard? The problem isn't really the drop rates anymore, the problem is NCWest just not saying anything about the issue and being robotic AT BEST. Like, you can't fix it then you can't fix it. We can deal. Good luck attracting new players while you are bleeding current ones though. The real problem is that you are just not saying anything about it. Like, zero communication. That's scummy af. @GM Vega @GM Oriey @GM_NCA @GMLeon Just woman up and talk to your player base. It is not hard.
  4. Didn't KR also add kinah/item quests and kinah rewards to pvp quests? I have been trying to see if the player base over there has commented much on that change but haven't had any luck so far. The problem with NCWest isn't so much the drop rates. It's the sheer lack of communication, the promises to fix it when they probably are not even allowed to, and the blatant refusal to respond to players who requested refunds. I mean, if they can't fix it due to contract terms then they can't fix it. But say something geez
  5. The problem is, NCWest has not yet (to my knowledge) implemented the types of quests/rewards that are mentioned in that update. So, that may have happened in Korea but that has not happened in NA. It is still impossible to get items or kinah with any sort of reliability. If that is their solution then I can get behind that. NA has yet to do or SAY anything about what they are doing. So again, what applies in Korea does not apply here. If NCSoft were running this server I doubt we would be complaining right now.
  6. Says literally the only guy that seems to be supporting this decision. Koreans hate bots, good for them. Let them kill bots. I seem to remember that back in August of last year or 2021 there was this issue and NCWest reversed it. Why not now? Because they think they can get you to pay for passes that give you the stuff. This is just microtransaction hell. Paying for Siel's Aura to enjoy full game benefits? Sure. Retail was like that back in the day so it adds to the experience. Does buying a season pass to get all your loot? No thanks. There is a simple fix for the bots that they have in place: Siel's Aura. There is a lot they could do with that. Change the rarity of drops so that nothing drops for those without Siel's Aura. Instate a mentor program so that new players can get the benefits of Siel's Aura in the first few levels when grouped with an Aura holder. Will there be bots? Sure, but in order to do anything they would still have to buy the Aura which leads to more income for the company if bots do pay. Overall, the outcome would be fewer bots, more income, and a better overall player experience. They are taking the lazy way out and expecting us to pay for this anyway. It's garbage.
  7. This ain't "other countries". I hate bots as much as the next guy but I'd rather have a playable game with bots than this shit without them. Time to stop trolling my dude.
  8. Okay, new plan. Talk with your money. No one pay for anything from NCWest on any of their games that you play. Tank their company.
  9. From experience, without an Aura, you can't loot anything above whites. When I started playing on Classic I wasn't running an Aura and couldn't loot anything. They may have changed that though.
  10. Part of me doubts they are working on it at all. The way I view Seil's Aura is as a service. For me, I was paying and expecting certain things in return. Those things were not provided at no fault of my own so I would like either a refund or in-game compensation. Either works really. In-game compensation would actually be better and would likely retain players (which we are bleeding). My problem is, they killed the bots with this mistake AND the drop rate is completely different from retail at this point. Like a nerf, sure. Making any sort of kinah generation practically impossible without botting yourself, not cool. Additionally, they promised fixes (maybe not for this specifically) but for issues in general by certain dates and have failed to deliver. In any other industry, they would be sued at a minimum. To me, it feels like they are exploiting the fact that they are a game company, and the regulations around paid gaming services like this are loose at best. Their lack of communication kinda just makes it worse. Sure, some people still make kinah off of farming-specific mobs and such but I personally don't have time for that. If that's their business model, cool. But that isn't what I paid for *shrugs*
  11. They stopped responding to my tickets altogether. After submitting for AP issues, I submitted for the drop rate, then when I got generic answers like that and nothing further had been done, I requested a refund or compensation for the wasted Siels Aura. When I got generic, "We're sorry, you used the in-game time so we can't refund or replace it" responses, I asked for third-party arbitration per the NCWest user agreement. No response. People should be more pissed than they are imo. This is amounting to theft at this point. On a side note, if anyone has documents from their tickets, I'd love to see those.
  12. Well then, request a refund then. Don't stop till you get one. The more people who demand that they either fix the game or give us a refund the more likely they are to actually do it. Don't just let them get away with this shit. Same with cost of living. People start getting angry and things will start to change. Why are we just accepting this?
  13. Just requested a full refund for all purchases made prior to them breaking the loot tables till now. Fix it or give me my money
  14. This game is still pretty broken. No one can loot anything, no one can get gear since AP and medals aren't fixed, no one is doing upper sieges since there is literally no point. We need quite a bit of compensation at this point or a lot of people will likely leave. These broken parts are exactly why I haven't bought an event pass this go around. If I had known this would happen I probably wouldn't have bought a Siel's Aura either. Stop putting off fixing your game...
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