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Everything posted by Vilvyni

  1. Yep, the light blue quests. But people seem to forget that or don't activate it. Same with other light blue ones. I have done all the quests in Ishalgen, also the light blue ones. Same with Altgard. And you can sell junk items, such as mau armor. Also, once you go to Altgard and you turn the blue quest in there (dispatch to altgard) you get pandaemonium scrolls. For Elyos this is then Verteron and over in Sanctum you get the same kind of quests. Then there is also the obelisk, where you can bind to. Bind to pandaemonium and you can travel for free to there. Yes, it is one way travel, but at least you save some kinah. Last but not least; use alts. You can always store kinah in your account warehouse and transfer the kinah to your main. Not to mention you can use alts to farm junk and items for crafting.
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