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Everything posted by Arhangelos

  1. Hm... one alt account of mine is like 5 years old, and it defo participated in all previous ones. That char got the upgrade reward (I am sure he got it without paying too much attention) There is defo an explanation, maybe they sent us the wrong stormwing pet.
  2. Actually no... it seems it is a hit or miss with that too, other people continue not taking the quest even though some people get it.
  3. It seems they fixed it now, an alt of mine got it. But good luck trying to compensate those that didn't get it.
  4. As the title says, once you upgrade the pet you do not get the quest for the special reward.
  5. Exactly, building trust takes a lot of time and effort, destroying trust can take 1 day. Once trust is destroyed it is nearly impossible to be rebuilt. Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me.
  6. They're losing players exclusively because of pay-to-win. Subscription was known before it launched and tenths of thousands of people accepted it and pre-subbed! Up to this date the cash shop is the No1 reason the game lost 99% of the players. They can make the game f2p tomorrow, it will be the same p2w garbage only with a myriad of f2p bots. ~I never died :D
  7. They have pay2play and pay2win in one game. You are asking them to remove one of the money making aspects which is the p2p. Why would they do that? As others mentioned other extremely successful games have either a sub or f2p, many have cash shops... but it has to be done right. If NA proved anything is that they can only do the absolutely worst decision possible. They had tenths of thousands of players on launch, a 1~2 weeks later it dropped to less than half due to the cash shop they implemented which was never mentioned before, 2 months later and one of the servers was already dead and a few more months later and they had to merge! What will f2p offer the game other than attract the wrong type of players which are usually from poor countries making 500 accounts to bot free of charge?
  8. They usually include information on what each box contains and if it s a selectable or random it is also mentioned, this time they didn't put that info out and the name of this item implies it is a "blessed paragon enchant stone". This is the definition of scam. Imagine if they named a contract as "legendary transformation contract bundle" and it had ancient transforms in it... because it says "bundle" at the end so you shouldn't take it literally.
  9. Example: You get 1000 FEXP normally With up to 49,99% elim energy you will get 1000 (base) +100 (buff), that 100 FEXP you get will be deducted by the buff you got, I do not know how much but you will go (lets say) from 40% to 39,9% With 50%~100% elim energy you will get 1000 (base) +100 (buff) +100 (bonus), the first 100 will be deducted from the elim buff like above, but the other 100 is a pure bonus with no deduction from the buff. A similar thing happens with Berdin's Favor buff.
  10. I play with vpn for this reason. Even with it some times I get lag spikes.
  11. The game is like 99% on Wednesday, they lowered the entries to every pve instance to 1~2 per week. You log on Wednesday, burn all entries, do all Apsaranta quests and you can simply log like 30 minutes per day for the rest of the week to do the daily lugbug and some potential Apsaranta camp quests.
  12. Exactly, they also some times bring other keys lag, like you write as if there is some ram shortage or writing 1 letter per second only. They did something in 8.3 that really fks with the operating system. I hope it is not something done intentionally again to fight bots and screw actual players because I do not see how disabling PrtScn would help them in any way.
  13. This is exactly what happened to me, I did 12 combines and didn't get one and then said "I do not need an ulti so lets combine more" and I got one ulti. ~~ The truth is that ulti is not doing anything to me because I already have those and there is nothing I can combine these to for. At some point having 10 or 100 Kaisinel won't help in anything since all new ultimate transformations are usually acquired via a weird p2w way. 8.4 has two new ultimate transformations and it is hella p2w to get them and they are also part of collections. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p6Ku3j6e97U
  14. Of course some people might say "this game sucks but I'll give 5$ per month just so I can log here and there and enjoy it a little more than just the locked f2p version". But it won't revive the game. The amount of people that left, left it because it is an awful game. If they make the price 1/3 of what it is then they need at least to triple the population for this to profit them, and it defo won't bring back that number.
  15. I changed the path to D:\Back Up\Aion Screenshots and it accepted the path but when i hit the printscreen it still gave me the message that it got saved to the C:/ folder again (the default) and when i went there I saw the screenshot. So something is broken, now it takes the screenshot but not on the path i gave it to. I'll leave it like this.
  16. I combined more than 12x and I got an ultimate, and I did it because I wanted the gem not the ultimate box. Yet I was given an ultimate transformation box today! And I took a screenshot of the combines but PrtScn is not working properly for me while aion is running.
  17. PrtScn button does not work for me either while Aion is running, I run window mode. Whether Aion is in front or in the background the PrtScn button doesn't work, it doesn't make a screenshot in my aion screenshot folders nor does it take a copy in memory so I can paste it on photoshop or something. I have made a post myself some time ago but nothing was mentioned by anyone else https://forums.aiononline.com/topic/10596-when-aion-runs-printscreen-doesnt-work/#comment-107746 In that post I thought the screenshot was being saved, the client does give the message "screenshot was saved" etc, but the aion folder that has the screenshots doesn't take any. Now I have to use GeForce Experience Ctrl+F1 to take a snapshot.
  18. ...half of my friends didn't get a double ultimate from the fragments and the rest of us got a double, we all did the same 6 months of work just to throw it all out of the window. The problem is that we gamble the game and there is no way around it, one person got 2 different ultimates that they needed and have filled the collections, we got 1 ultimate duplicate and we now have to pay 250$ to get a chance at re-gambling it which might give us the same duplicate we do not need! This is where the problem is, you do not play the game, you just gather the material and you hope it works out or you are screwed. Lastly these transforms ARE NOT acquirable via combination! The fragments are the only way to get those.
  19. Also the ultimate promotion ended today right? In the information it says the rewards will be delivered on 17/8, so next week, but the duration was implied from the above coin-event that just ended.
  20. They should at least make the last rewards not the most important. They kept the legendary transformation box (10 types) for the last day so if a new player needs it and loses a day he is out of the event.
  21. 250$ to reroll a chest we worked for for 6 months, and that is to re-gamble it through the RNG that many times seems like it is stuck into one thing from the list constantly. Whenever we had the 10-reroll s-minion chest from events I kept getting deadly sheba like 7 out of 10 times and never a viola. I ended up getting a viola by normal combining int he end.
  22. I got a duplicate ultimate transform with the breath+fragments, but I am not giving 250$ just to reroll on it, for 250$ it should give you the ability to select which one you get, not just reroll on it! This whole thing is a sales event. The only ingame event we have is the double fragments from lugbug daily/weekly. ...p.s. you could have kept the double XP a little longer!
  23. Bumping this, when will we finally have separate forums for the two totally different games? Who's idea was to have classic and retail in one place?
  24. This thing continues, the game is 100% unplayable, I can't finish most Apsaranta quests, at some point some camps might turn blue but apparently not when I am logged. They usually turn blue when a group of a specific legion decides to do the camp quests, as soon as the camps are vulnerable they turn elyos again and remain elyos for hours if not for the rest of the day. The game keep revolving around solo-unfriendliness in a game that has 20 active people!
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