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Everything posted by Ukanomitama-KT

  1. You don't... I hope you enjoy your gaming experience in Aion Classic NA.
  2. Since yall gonna have the Korean team do maintenance for us, might as well give us the same patches at the same time... Also don't feel like u need to translate the patch notes most of the time we have to Google Translate the Korean ones anyway as yall can't even do that correctly.
  3. 3pm pdt = 7am korea not that it matters u guys don't fix anything yall suck.
  4. What is this "test" you speak of? We deploy straight to production everytime with 0 testing says the 1 underpaid staff member left on aion at ncwest.
  5. They drop so often in fact, that prices are actually going down that's why it's lower than the 45 kinah each it was before ncsoft broke drop rates. Oh wait, it's not an this is just another Cyfur L.. .Carry on.
  6. Why is maintenance so long when u guys literally do nothing might as well skip weekly maintenance if ur just gonna keep adding useless login events to suck money out of folks before eu.
  7. Can't wait to use those 5 great healing pots all week and the 1 admin boon next one and for the one manastone u give us to fail on socket 10/10 useless event its actually insulting.
  8. Official response about to be... We investigated and found mobs were not dropping kinah or items ergo, this is an expected feature and will not be fixed.
  9. First it was > this was not an intended feature now its > oh yeah this a bug and is intended > that's gonna help when everyone quits 2 weeks after for eu thanks nc.
  10. While you're in there, undo the stupid beshmundir change. Plaguebringer should just be the ghost at the end of that hallway this is going to make pug groups struggle already.
  11. It's always how did you get this GM only gear? Not how are you today?
  12. I just want to add this is the same company who broke sieges for nearly 2 months because the fort values were so over inflated it was not possible to take anything. They will take as long as they need because they know there is no sense of urgency. This current iteration of aion is highly monetized, and not rewarding and they know they can get away with it because their player base still play despite those things.
  13. I like how ncsoft legit lowers droprates in theo, anuhart armor isnt able to be ded so now we have rising enchantment stone prices, very little world drops to even de into any stones coupled with new gear that needs enchantment and manastones with few farming areas. Then the piece of resistance is NCSoft legit turns forts into a lottery where its a do u get dredged or not type of deal and if u do good luck. Then the only thing they can say is they are monitoring it. Like theres nothing to monitor if u cant kill the dredge commanders its broken fairly simple. I have no idea wat there is to monitor in this situation with declining population and one of the largest reasons to even play the game is essentially bricked its just frustrating.
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