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Everything posted by Zakovss

  1. Thanks to all people that supported me, also to Ncsoft staff that helped me to solve this case correctly and I ask gently to any CM to close this thread to avoid more drama from this undesirable person@GM Vega@GM_NCA @Roseae
  2. Hello Aion players, I'm here to ask you for help to get unbanned my account due to an unfair situation, my account has been banned allegedly for the use of third programs to modify my gameplay which is false, I've been an active player in aion from so many years ago, I've played different servers like Aion Classic, Retail and EU Retail and this is the first time I have this incovenient, this is the first time someone allegedly claims I'm a hacker and reports me which leads to an unfair ban for mechanics that are available inside game without help of any third programs, this is ridiculous considering that there are plenty of known hackers inside game that have been there for years and they haven't been banned yet, many players know me and know that I never used any type of this programs, I'm an active player inside Aion Classic community and never received any warning or I have had any type of sanction. I'm a ranger player, ranger is a class which is very squishy and agaisnt melee classes can be super easy to kill, that's why I learned to make this mechanic called "Slideshot" and others like "Jump shot" or "Jump cast", these mechanics can be done with the resources that the game offers, any third program is used to replicate these mechanics, as example you have a guide from a very known player in EU community and even partnered with gameforge. This videos shows how to make these mechanics which are important for a ranger: https://youtu.be/cOhiah-Foxc Besides that, you can find many videos of players replicating this type of gameplay like this: https://youtu.be/An4G05IKtaE Also I must add, that the POV from the player who makes these mechanics to the players who is fighting agaisnt is different, this is why here is a video about a gladiator POV agaisnt a ranger displaying these mechanics mentioned before: https://youtu.be/k5-vzB36ZAg And lastly, a video mine about my ranger in Aion Classic displaying these mechanics agaisnt an opponent and as you can see, this is a normal gameplay, not third party programs involved: https://youtu.be/81TMogY29kU (Credits to the authors of videos) As you can see, all of this is legal, is done with resources that the game offers you therefore the ban and the claims about me as a hacker is false, other ranger players who knows about this can corroborate about this, this is why I'm here to ask you help to solve this unfair situation. Regards.
  3. What is the logic behind disabling windstream? No sense at all since they are not game changing...
  4. What about windstream? Those aren't working aswell
  5. So now more ppl will have to fight for pine needle and it will be even more difficult to get and we in KT-A already have to deal with elys stealing our spot spawn, just make the drop shared with alliance and people will stop complaining
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