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  1. True but at least the community got a say in this. so this is already 100x better than NA ever was. As for the drop rates. I doubt it will take super long that the community pesters gameforge enough that they pester NC-Korea 24/7 again to do something about it. u saw in the reveal about it that they are not happy about it either. cause this will 100% cost them money.
  2. which reputation ? that T&L doesnt get published in NA by NCWest already says enough. Well the drop rates are intentional if you check out Korea they are the same. But i get why you want fixed rates. they are a nuisance overall.
  3. thankfully NCWest has nothing to do with Gameforge. Their partner is NC-Soft Korea. Otherwise we would have the same garbage candy approach in Shop
  4. My Asmo just kills all the bots running around in eltnen yet i get zerged by lvl 45+ with lvl 27 XD
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