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  1. Just saying my piece on this.. I know NCWest has other games to monitor and I get that. But why is NA following a different event path from the rest? Isn't the point of the classic remake was to also do things right by catering to the community? I mean if we are also talking of wanting increased sales, then it would be smarter to give worth while events that help players out with developing other characters or their mains. Stigma shards isn't an ideal event reward for anything, that is the solid truth. We should be getting events like what you had for the instances along with events going towards PVP. The whole game is based off the PvE/PvP community coming together and the blend of both is why people even play this game. Even with the games old style graphics, you have players who love and enjoy the game due to its core aspects. Now, I'm not saying EVERY event should be a golden ball buster, but holiday events should be SPOILING your community with these things. Like 100% drop rate events since the game is gear driven along with more ways for lvl 90+ enhancement stones and high end mana stone selections. Then we have the PvP side where you should at least let people choose one character to login and get an endgame pvp weapon of their choice and MAYBE an armor piece or two. I get events like that were done in the past recent months, but it also drove players to log on and get those things and play. Just my simple take on the whole "event" aspect. This game doesn't have the player count like it did in the past where you guys can just say "Eh they'll deal with it.". You need to find ways to show that the glittering shiny things are worth coming back to the game to play for. Remember, before being DEVS or even business people, I believe you were once players too. I don't know where and how folks lose that inner player like excitement but I suggest finding a way back to that so you can actually connect with your community. Also, being vocal would also help.
  2. Yo, so I recently returned to the game a bit after the major events that pretty much gave the entire player base decked out gear. So I am going off my experience as a returning player or even seeing new players come forth. I have noticed the recent trend that Legions won't uptake people unless they are completely decked out or at least basically there. I'm not knocking requirements and I do understand, but how is it also fair to those who are new to the game or returning if almost every legion is gatekeeping them from helping the person into the endgame content? I noticed legions tend to now do everything together which that is what they were designed for, but when people who can't even get into a legion due to high quality demands, it makes it harder to have the motivation to attempt end game content. I don't know if this is just the Elyos side or even the Asmo side. But again, as a new or returning player, it honestly makes it hard of wanting to even continue forth into the game if being able to partake in community activities requires the player to basically be alone until legions find them even remotely worthy rather than extend hands to help fellow players up to those levels. I understand the passes exist, do not get me wrong, I know even myself as a player can utilize those very passes. But I think a lot of people also forgot the literal joy and fun of being in an mmorpg in the first place. To me Aion Classic just feels like a toxic elitist pool for no reason and that does sadden me because it's like folks forgot that everyone was literally in rags and gathering together to achieve the riches. Just my insight on the matter, please do not misunderstand. I fully well know that Legions and players have the right to place the bar of who they accept into the legions and don't. But at the same time, I rarely don't even see people want to get together outside of legions to help out legionless players. It's gotten even to the point that legionless players don't try to party up and do stuff or I could also just be logging in on the wrong times and people just don't feel like doing anything. I acknowledge that too can be a possibility. This last is my question based off what I see every time... why do people give up or log off each time they are killed in pvp?? I figured everyone understood that when playing this game that has faction vs faction, your pixels are bound to die at times. In the past, that was a rare thing ESPECIALLY when AP was much harder to earn. But now, it's like seeing someone just opting to give up rather than press on. If I am being too harsh on that I do apologize but.. I do find it extremely sad. Play games like Gw2 and people die but still go back to the fights because they all knew the game and the mode they were playing in. Sorry for the wall of text. I guess it can also be a wall of vent too lol
  3. That's on that server. On the other server it's still bugged can't even get the quests done and it's a little bit frustrating.
  4. I mean if the player base comes together we all can literally go on a strike. As funny as it sounds it'll give them three options. 1. Listen to us and actually communicate and give NA the treatment it deserves. 2. Just say eff it and shut down the servers since there is a good chunk of us that believes they'll do so. 3. Things remain the same but it is possible we all found different games to better put time into.
  5. @Loki and also @Wissp I know that you may be trying to get answers yourselves along with trying to relay it onto us but that is me believing that you are trying to do such a thing. I am sure you guys know what the definition of being a forum admin is, the responsibilities along with other things. But I wonder : Since when did you lose the drive to be the best admin possible? Were you not once players that were in our exact same shoes? Did you not become an admin to make a change? Just something I want to push out from my head because I know it's not easy but you should remember your roots and try to communicate to the players. Anything helps, just talking to us can help even if you are just as confused as the rest of us. But simply ignoring does not help, it will only drive this community into a downward spiral in which the players will naturally give up and seek to game elsewhere if they feel their voices are being heard from over there. The game starts and ends with player base, not just their wallets but their passion for the game itself. Note this is a cringe worthy post but I am not going to lashout on the admins or devs, but even if this may fall onto deaf ears I feel its worth a shot.
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