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  1. With prime gaming, this mounth, you can have some siel's aura and a growth pack but i only receave growth pack ... Normal ?
  2. Oh okay thank you, I hadn't read all that. In fact, it can be nice if they don't make the same mistakes as Aion. See what they do with it. I can't wait to see the sequel
  3. Unfortunately... I just hope it doesn't end up like aion and stay in the old areas, with the old bosses, old system, etc...
  4. Hello, i have some question. I know aion classic want a return to the source but until what update ? We were talking about level 50 max but we are already lelev 55 with ingginson. Will they stop there or continue as normal aion and bring out the updates until the gunner who is the turning point of the game or stop there and release new things and venture into unknown territory? Because back to basics is awesome, but hopefully it won't spin like normal aion and stay at aion classic.
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