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APOLOALLA's Achievements

  1. Bots help make many elements of the game attainable. If the game were to remove the bots, 50% of the population would be gone and equipping would be ultra difficult. Lo mejor es sólo ignorarlos.
  2. I can't either, but the problem appears right now. During the morning start without problems.
  3. They can create a free event that encourages players to participate and get into the game. A side event for the business to generate income. If you only create events to generate income, people get bored and leave. Aion Na, a few years ago it was known as the free Aion, now it's the same as gameforge. See your community, you only get negative feedback.
  4. They must find solutions so that the community has fun and comes to play. If they do events that only make quick money for the team, the game will die and more than one of the team will end up losing their job. Find a way to keep the few people you have happy, so those who want to come back will come to stay. Aion still has salvation. It has good pvp and decent graphics.
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