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Everything posted by Squid

  1. New World Drop: Mysterious Lockbox & Brilliant Lockbox Damn what a nice way for them to add more kinah.
  2. I assume this means connect from Oceanic region right? I am fine can still connect. That is from Australia tho.
  3. They locked siel for legitimately no reason, Unless they only had 2000 player servers which then that would make sense.
  4. Yea it is super weird i killed a level 46 mob Got a level 20 manastone LOL
  5. I got nothing in Haramel in terms of stigmas. Everyone i know did not get a single stigma from haramel(this is 40+ players). RNG is RNG you got the good end of the stick. I have seen people get level 43 stigmas in NTC and got level 20 stigmas in A-labs. At the end of the day their table is very different to what ours was and i am unsure how NA's current drop rate is and there is no real way w/o someone datamining both regions to check to see any differences. EU are suffering from people quitting because they accidently paying their SS tho so they have their own set of problems other than drops.
  6. Damn new server hype? JK JK Dumbest idea ever.
  7. LOL people won a t-shirt like years ago and they were never sent out. You think they gonna give out a $400 chair.
  8. How does that solve bots and kinah inflation? It does not, That is what zurl and myself were discussing. I do not disagree with you but ultimately what is happening is they are doing exactly what they did in retail. Remove so many different playstyles that you are reliant on events and cash shop to even play the game in any form of capacity which s**ts me to tears. Like personally i thought the addition of the battle pass was top tier it was a way for people to support the game while being able to grind less but they did not just add the battle pass they removed features from the game to make the battle pass more appealing. That is not fixing the problem that is creating a problem to sell the solution which is exactly what retail is. That is what all these nerfs and so on are going to do. Like what zurl said if kinah from instances becomes to much if bots spam dungeons then you end up with a situation where then everything inside of dungeons gets nerfed and now actually playing the game = not being rewarded for your efforts. What then? Or what happens if players complain they can not do the quests for kinah because there are to many bots doing the same quests. Then they nerf the kinah from quests. If they keep taking kinah sources away eventually you will end up having 0 sources of kinah being attainable in-game to the point where the only way to get kinah will be to buy it from NCsoft.
  9. Eventually if you take away all sources of kinah the only option left is to buy kinah straight from NCsoft. How is being reliant on NCsoft the solution? That is what makes retail as bad as it is because you have to rely on events/cash shop purchases to have any sort of gameplay progression w/o having 18 hours a day during events OR bot events. If every single item in the game including dungeon items becomes 1 kinah then what? This is what will happen when bots are pushed in to instances. Let me give you an example of the problem it causes and how it makes it even better for bots rather than worse for bots. X3 = 150 if every single item in the game got nerfed to 1 kinah to combat the bots then you have a situation where players will need to grind 150 rubbish items just to afford 3 potions. Bots would now sell potion packages for RMT instead of selling the kinah itself and all of a sudden you have items no longer being listed and only being sold through RMT. Do you see the problem with taking away kinah sources? It affects players as much if not more than it affects bots because bot have new methods for RMT where as players have no source of gaining faster currency . If kinah source is low makes players reliant on NCsoft selling something in the cash shop that is worth kinah to even afford your daily necessities. Sounds a lot like retail to me.
  10. Unsure how to say this w/o being condescending just let it be known that i am not trying to say it this way. You understand bots can just make more accounts till they can run them 24/7 yea? They can have 1000s of accounts if they want to so long as there is not enough pro-active enforcement banning them.
  11. Any boss that is melee or does not have 25m range bots can hack and kill the bosses from above them while keeping their agro by moving around in a circle. Anything a player can do a bot can also do put it that way. There mite be some bosses that they can not do but there is enough instances bosses where as they could easily get themselves kinah capped thus be able to out farm players and keep kinah inflation going. If players are unable to hit kinah cap when the new change comes in then it will be even worse than before not better because players share loot often with 5 other people depending on the content.
  12. Bots can do both quests and instances. They run around above bosses killing them w/o the bosses being able to attack them, Bots do not only bot they also hack while they bot. Maybe i am not understanding what people mean by the merchant reward system? I assume something like the longer you are subbed the more your items are worth? NA suffers from lack of items not from kinah inflation, KR suffers from kinah inflation and an abundance of items unless over the last month a change happened in KR that i am not aware of. They are 2 completely separate issues one is created by there not being enough bots and one being created by their being an abundance of bots. So long as you can earn currency in-game bots will be able to earn it faster. There is no counter to bots except making kinah cash shop only and if they do that no one plays anyways so it is a lose lose. Again if there is something i am not understanding about the merchant reward system please let me know i am not a stubborn fool if i get something wrong i get it wrong.
  13. Bots run around in circles above bosses farming in dungeons as well. Taking away 1 source will not take away all sources... I would love for that to be the fix but it does not fix the crazy inflation. How are you expected to farm kinah if you take away all sources of kinah just because of bots? The answer is you can not because what ever a player can do a bot can do.
  14. You understand that bot runners are profiting massively right? People are paying for item packages because they do not have the kinah to buy say potions and so on. Imagine this players paying $10-15 for 1-2 weeks of potions LOL. That is all the nerf has done it has made it so bot runners make more money now more than ever. If there were a 15-1 bot to player ratio like over in Korea then it would be a different story but it is not like that here in NA.
  15. Real talk are you an ArenaNet employee that is being forced in to updating this for NCsoft? Blink 2ce if yes.
  16. Koreans buy kinah from bots and buy everything they need from bots and the cycle continues. NA needs 5000-10k more bots since the bot to player ratio in KR is at-least 10-1 probably closer to 15-1. That is not to say that KR does not have a lot of players you can see in their agent fights that they clearly have 1000s still playing. In 2 weeks half the population is leaving due to the drop rate nerf which IS in the EU version of the game LOL. Imagine leaving 1 server for a server that has the exact same problem but at launch this time.
  17. Their strategy is to make games so unplayable that you feel happy when you can progress in Throne and liberty so most people will abandon their abandoned-ware games like Aion B&S and so on.
  18. Asmos have a faction of players who only show up for siege and events. Proof is in the pudding. Current Ranked elyos 192 and Current Ranked Asmo's 125 where were your players at agent? It was right after siege and your faction spawned it. Would of you lost had of your full numbers shown up? Yea probably as we could of brought more numbers than you but the reality is there are very few people showing up even on the elyos side unless it happens right after other content. Hell most of the time there are like 2 alliances for agent and the second 1 is full of alts(plz no kick me from attending elyo leaders). It comes down to asmo's refuse to try because all they want is events to progress so they do not have to interact with players on their own faction. It is that simple.
  19. Unsure if this is intended but we keep getting given gold medals as a reward for some of the fortress sieges despite them being a deleted item from the game.
  20. It is never going to change because the eco system over in KR is this. Bots farm kinah + subscribe to the game. Players buy kinah from bots. The players buy items from the same bots with the kinah they buy The cycle continues.
  21. You have to understand by now surely, Even if they did f2p events that would not help the servers. The only thing that can help the servers is large spending events. You need to be thanking NCwest and the spending players for keeping the game you are still playing open. Not getting upset at them...
  22. I mean the patch comes out what? Tonight/tomorrow? i forget when but pretty sure it comes out soon. Looks to me like there is plenty of events. probably a lot will be paid but there is still plenty of events.
  23. If you think this is the reason people are not playing then...I envy you only being able to play 1 day a week. You get to turn a blind eye to everything that is happening and not just in our region in KR as well.
  24. When do any of these dungeons pop? From what i can tell these do not even exist anymore.
  25. This is 100% factual btw, The way the earth rotates around the sun on this particular day aligns with the way the moon pulls the currents of the ethernet cables around the ocean creating faster internet speeds thus allows NCwest to act faster when problems arise. I was being sarcastic at NCwest not at you after re reading it LOL
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