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Abyssal taking 4ever to kill me naked!!!!!


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Guys, I think I'm not the only one who needs to farm abyssal with 12 chars a day. But, with 8.0 changes, its taking too long for the npc kill my alts even without any gear!
So how are you guys doing with it ? I have not too many time to play so I try to do this as fast as I can.

I don't expect NC to buff it, so if some1 have any solution I'll be thanked to read it.


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If I'm on a class  that has some kind of shield skill, like Cleric/Sorc/SM etc. first I do my 1mil damage, then use a shield (Blessed Shield/Stone Skin) and use Return to go back to Inggison. Then I choose the "Re-entry" option to get the reward.

And for classes that don't have a shield and can't use Return uninterrupted, like Vandal/Chanter/Temp (They have damage reducing skills, but not shields that will block the boss attacks while casting Return) I use the "Homeward Bound" skill before I fight the boss, and as soon as I get 1mil damage teleport to my studio, then go back to Inggison and get the reward. Or if you have them, you can use the purple teleport scrolls from the Kerub's quick guide. They can teleport you out almost instantly so it doesn't get interrupted by the boss attacks like Return would.

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4 minutes ago, Lad-DN said:

If I'm on a class  that has some kind of shield skill, like Cleric/Sorc/SM etc. first I do my 1mil damage, then use a shield (Blessed Shield/Stone Skin) and use Return to go back to Inggison. Then I choose the "Re-entry" option to get the reward.

In my case I 1) pop shield 2) use return 3) forget to go back inside, go afk at obelisk and loose my entry 🤗

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1. Do SAS item mode on Thursdays, Saturdays, Sundays, and Tuesdays

  • Item/Classic mode switches over on 06:00 server time each day
  • Instance entries reset on 09:00 server time each day

2. After entering SAS, unequip all (or as many as possible) HP gear, and don't forget to put them back on

  • If your inventory space is limited, remove the ones with highest HP

3. Aggro the big crystal thing

4. Deal 1 million or more damage to the boss

5. unequip all (or as many as possible) physical defense gear

  • If your inventory space is limited, remove the ones with highest physical defense

6. You will die

7. Talk to the treasure box to end instance, get your grades and rewards

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6 hours ago, Lad-DN said:

If I'm on a class  that has some kind of shield skill, like Cleric/Sorc/SM etc. first I do my 1mil damage, then use a shield (Blessed Shield/Stone Skin) and use Return to go back to Inggison. Then I choose the "Re-entry" option to get the reward.

And for classes that don't have a shield and can't use Return uninterrupted, like Vandal/Chanter/Temp (They have damage reducing skills, but not shields that will block the boss attacks while casting Return) I use the "Homeward Bound" skill before I fight the boss, and as soon as I get 1mil damage teleport to my studio, then go back to Inggison and get the reward. Or if you have them, you can use the purple teleport scrolls from the Kerub's quick guide. They can teleport you out almost instantly so it doesn't get interrupted by the boss attacks like Return would.

There is a safe spot to hide so the boss can not hit you.


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