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Weekly Server Maintenance - February 15, 2023 [Aion]


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  • Aion Team

Greetings Daevas!

Tomorrow we will be holding our regularly scheduled maintenance for Aion.
Downtime will begin at 6am Server Time (4am PT / 7am ET / 12pm UTC), and will conclude after approximately 3 hours and 30 minutes.

The following changes will be coming to the game during this maintenance:

  • Fissure of Oblivion Event Item Deletion
    • Following Fissure of Oblivion Items will be deleted
      • [Event] Sealed Memory Bundle
      • [Event] Oblivion Transformation Contract Box
  • Sweet Tooth Fairy Event Begins
  • Paragon Equipment Promotion Begins
  • Black Cloud Marketplace Store Update
    • The following items are coming to the BCM:
      • Blessed Ultimate Paragon Enchantment Stone (200 BCC)
      • Blessed Ultimate Paragon Enchantment Stone Bundle x 30 (4000 BCC)
      • Blessed Ultimate Paragon Enchantment Stone Bundle x 50 (7000 BCC)
      • +5 Paragon Equipment Bundle (3500 BCC)
      • +6 Paragon Equipment Bundle (5000 BCC)
      • +7 Paragon Equipment Bundle (6800 BCC)

Thank you!

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  • Roseae pinned this topic

So is there any word on when the siege rewards for Divine, Silona and Pradeth are going to be fixed so we can stop getting gold medals?  So far I have 9 of them in my mail box and collected 4 of them previously which were auto sold by the game for something like 40 kinah since they are no longer an item of use.  Aside from that, the reduced glory points for the siege are also annoying for rankings.

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is seriously? do they put on an event to farm Demaha Neutral Base Teleport Scroll Bundle while the game is pretty dead? It looks like they never played the game and they don't know what is needed in these patches. Aion was a nice game but those who make the events never thought about the fun of their community unfortunately


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Yeah these rewards are like 3 years too late.

Also another sale for the whales to get fatter on. Weekly reminder, don't give money to people that threat you with contempt and ignore your concerns, hit them where it hurts, don't buy anything as tempting as it may be.

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