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I heard there was compensation today?


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Two greater ancient crowns.

It's a joke, not a compensation.


Tbh not sure what kind of compensation i was expecting... i lost way more than 2 greater crowns worth when i exchanged major crowns as one of the 1st players when the bug manifested - this really feels like a slap in the face.

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5 minutes ago, Fathom said:

@Thismay where did they show up at? the two crowns? ive seen nothing on any of my characters. P.S. stop standing in that one spot


Mail. Seen few other players in chat getting it too.


About that spot - i was hunting officers and  generals for godstone quests - as a pve sorc i, obviously, milked that spot to the limit. luckily Tartarugax died 1v1 to me twice (no npc help), now im a happy owner of 4k/1% gs, and no longer occupying inggi gravepit ;)

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I have not received any compensation,  even though I had a 90day Siel's Aura active which still has over 10days to go, and I also cashed in a Crown in core to test the AP reward when people started complaining just after the 2.5 launch.



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for real, what kind of pathetic compensation is TWO CROWNS???? I heard last time they gave comp it was an actual abyss weapon along with many abyss points and other things. This is ridiculous, I mean could they have possibly given us any less? This will do NOTHING to qwell the player rage that is very close to just sinking this entire game and making it nothing but a graveyard. Please NCSoft dont just give up on this game. RECOGNIZE THE ISSUES and PROVIDE ACTUAL COMPENSATION. These are virtual items with no actual worth, why do you have to be so ridiculously stingy with giving them out? Do you even realize youre killing your own game?

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