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Names changed AFTER disputing period is over?


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The name of my level 61 templar who has had his name forever was changed back to a jumble of letters and numbers AFTER the disputing period for names was over. It was not an offensive name, nor even a popular name given that I named him again literally a week before name disputes ended. Yet after my elyos were transffered to their correct server, his name gets taken again? What the heck?

I also received no e-mail notification that this happened or that the name was being changed :/

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So, just checking, you have an Elyos level 61 Temp. You transferred it to another server and his name got changed?

If that is correct, that is not a name dispute, that is name conflict. In other words, your character was renamed because someone on the server you transferred to already has the name. You will have the name change ticket on your inventory.

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Sorry If I wasn't being clear. The level 61 Asmodian templar was not transferred, he stayed on DN. I transferred my two Elyos characters to KT, but after the transfer was over, the Asmoidian's name had been reverted to letters and numbers, even though he'd still had his name after the 11th, and remained on DN. (At least, on the website, it looks that way, when I logged in to check and make sure that the Elyos had transferred, and when I wanted to set my forum name to that of my templar. But I haven't been in game yet. So maybe it's like Reaper said and the name is glitching out on the website)

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