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Weekly Server Maintenance - November 14, 2023


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  • Aion Team

Known Issues:

- We are aware of the issue where players have not been receiving the 2x experience buff in the Garden of Growth. We are looking into this now and will keep you updated.

Aion Server Maintenance - November 14, 2023

3:00 PM PST. See your time zone here:  https://everytimezone.com/s/e926a2ab

Estimated Downtime:
~3 hours 45 minutes


  • Daeva Pass Season 15 Begins
    • Duration: November 14 – December 12
    • Season Ends: December 10
  • Garden of Growth Event Begins
    • Duration: November 14 – November 28
  • Autumn Rice Cake Event Begins
    • Duration: November 14 – November 28
  • Growth Bundle III Promotion Begins
    • Duration: November 14 – November 28
  • GP (Glory Point) Reset & Reward Distribution
  • Daeva Pass Season 14 Ends

Thank you!
The Aion Team

Edited by Rownen
Added Known Issues
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Once inside, you will find the vulnerable vegetation within the Garden under threat. This vegetation is highly valuable and will provide bountiful rewards to those who can protect it. You will also receive 2x experience while inside the garden! 

The is no 2x experience activated in Garden of Growth @Roseae.

Also there is no mention of the missing Luna chests and Transformation Contract Box-es that have been missing in instances drops since last week, is it a bug, a feature, the next scheme to limit Luna even further? Because getting lucky with 1-2 Luna's Lights per week was really spoiling us, presumably.

Also also since we are on the topic, its been what, 6-7 months now since you removed any meaningful Luna acquisition method other than the whale farm(cash shop), and have been avoiding the topic like the plague since then, so any development on that front from the new and improved team?

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@Roseae This post was made at about 7pm PST on Monday evening, about 3 hours later at almost 10pm PST the same thing was posted in the discord. 

About 20+ hours later on Tuesday (when the maintenance was almost over)  we got one event page with details about the garden event. And it wasn't until about an hour AFTER maintenance was already done that we got the autumn rice cake event details.

Is there anything stopping the event pages being posted at the same time as the maintenance posts? We've been told in the past by previous CM/GMs that the events are all planned out weeks in advance, so surely the "News" pages are already drafted by the time we're told about the maintenance?

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Im trying to understand few things.. this question is JUST for admins:

How does elys can get xformed before the first siege?

So asmos are less in numbers and we cant get access to xform?

This images was taken during siege.. but they got access to be xformed.





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