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Just like IRL Tax cuts for the rich while Little guy gets a steaming pile


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Story time boys and girls !


Now i know many of you know me for constantly bitching and begging in the forums about some of the injustice that us "Non P2W" players suffer through.  But hey its a free country and am aloud to nyerk and rant all I want !


So with that out of the way lemme tell you guys about me and a friend I have, my friend i've met in game and we actually became such good friends that we met IRL (but that's another story) anyways said friend is a friend who Pays 2 win in this game.  Homeboy will literally buy a ton of shit from the cash shop just so he can convert it into kinah in the game.  I personally think its a little ridiculous but hey to each their own, whatever makes you happy ya know.  Anyways to go on with this story, I've played Aion since launch when it was a subscription based game (ah yes the good ol days where only way you could P2W was through chinese gold farmers therefore you risking to get banned) and I used to play a sorcerer.  When the game became "Truly Free" I was super stoked, no more sub fee and i still get to play this fun game :-)  The cash shop was introduced and if i remember correctly at first it wasen't pay to win, they kinda slowly added stuff that would give players an edge on other players.  Anyways i stopped playing Aion back when the Aethertech class was released.  I played a sorc which at the moment had a FULL AP all + 10 weapon +15 set with AP accessories weapon also AP.  I loved it, ESPECIALLY the Arenas that was my shit.  Of course i was not invincible i would come accross other players that were equally as geared and would kill me which was fine they simply were "The better player" but for the most part i kicked ass with my sorc and that was due to all those months of gear grinding.  Anyways when the Aethertech class was released LITERALLLY 1 WEEK LATER i came accross an aethertech in the Arenas that took my virgin ass began to relentlessly pound it with his 15 inch e-nyerk.  I'm just like "Wtf just happened??.... this toon i know for a fact is 1 week old, homeboy is max level and outgeared me......in just 1 week" so that's when i decided to quit Aion.  I stopped playing Aion for a good 3 years.  But after 3 years of searching for a new fun game i began to miss Aion and the holy trinity aspect, the sieges, the open world pvp, the bullshit.  Decided to come back, only this time i decided to retire my sorc and continue on my Templar because from my experience Templars are pretty damn good in pvp.


So anyways i've been playing my templar for almost 1 month and a half now and of course after 3 years of not playing the game there's a ton of changes, archdaeva gear, fissure of oblivion, power flight, arch daeva stones, essence points blah blah blah blah.  But to get to my point ( I know its a long post with alot of useless information but i like to talk/rant/nyerk freedom of speech son !)  Greater supplements change now is that you can put them on and use them weather they're in your inventory or not but if they're not you just get charged RIDICULOUS amounts of kinah to use the "non existent" supplements.  Anyways I (the struggling non P2W player who has been an active player and contributed time to this game posing as both an ally and friend to others players to CREATE great gameplay) worked hard for a blood medal pair of pants.  Yes i know bloodmedal is shit but like i said am a struggling little guy.  Was then enchanting these pants with supplements, when i failed to noticed that i ran out of supplements and did 2 enchantments without them which costed me 76 million kinah.....76 million kinah.... i REPEAT 76 MILLION nyerkING KINAH.  In today's Aion Economy 76 million is but a pubic hair in this GIANT NUTSACK.  So I then put in a ticket explaining the missclick i made and asking them if they could just refund me the 76 million, I even told them that if they coudl they could reverse the encahntment on the greaves to -2 and they don't have to give me the stones back, all i wanted was the 76 million me as a non pay to winner 76 mil can go a long way.  They gave me the bullshit reason that they seem to give everybody.  Something about mechanics of the game worked like they were suppose to, we can't give you your kinah back, all we ask is for your understanding blah blah blah.  The e-mails on this ticket went back and forth at least 6 times before i finally just gave up and accepted i wasen't going to get it back and put it behind me and continued playing this game because i actually do have fun playing this game.  


So anyways after the rant here comes the juicy cream in the middle of this ENTIRE RANT.  LAST WEEK... my P2W friend sold one of his estates on one of his toons for 9 billion.  He decided to gear his newly leveled cleric with 75 AP gear from the VERY NICE profit he made.  AFter he got full 75 ap he decided to socket them bitches with +10 purple stones.  As he was socketing he noticed one of them broke.....then he was like "wtf" did another one, it broke again......tried another one and then that one broke to...... 3 +10 stones just broke on him, that's like what 320 mil kinah?..... Anyways he realized he wasen't using felocitious socketing stones when he was putting them on but he was using supplements.  So then he went in and put in a ticket explaining his situation.  NCSOFT e-mailed him back with the same bullshit response they gave me "It is how the mechanics of the game are suppose to work we can't give you your stones or kinah back, blah blah blah blah" and btw he was asking for his kinah back on the stones.  He then replied and said "Ok i get what you're saying, but i'm a good customer....... what can you do for me?  They replied back and pretty much said the same thing, we can't do anything all we can do is ask for your "understanding"  So then he replied somehwere along the lines "Ok yea that's fine you have my understanding, but i'm a good customer so again i ask...... what can you do for me, i made a mistake and miss clicked i want to know what you can do for me"  So then after that i guess they went and viewed his NCOIN transaction history because they sent him an e-mail that said something along the lines of "Hello sir we are very sorry but unfortunately we are not going to be able to give you back the 300 mil or those stones back.  However we do see that you are a good customer so since you are such a good customer we would like to give you 4500 ncoins.  4500 ncoins....... 4500 ncoins....... 4 5 0 0 MOTHER nyerkING NCOINS?!?!?!?!  Are you serious ?!?! look i understand ITS A BUSINESS, my friend gives them BUSINESS so if they would of given him the 3 stones or the 300 mil kinah back THAT i can understand and honestly i wouldn't of been mad at all.  But 4500 ncoin?!?!?!! are you shitting me right now?!?!?! I was asking back for a measly 76 million kinah.  I've playe dthis game for years i've contributed so many hours to this game, i've brought players into this game, friends and family who i've introduced to the game whom have been playing for years now and some now who also P2W as well ( yes i'm talking to you Purplepumpernieckle) so in a sense I'VE BROUGHT NCSOFT BUSINESS but since its NOT DOCUMENTED in US DOLLARs i am considered an expandable player.  So yea i'm done recommending Aion to others as of today, I was even trying to get my girlfriend who doesn't even play video games to join in on this game because like i said its fun, but i don't think am going to bother with that anymore now.


Its a damn shame that now-a-days its no longer about the gameplay its no longer about the players, its all about who gives the best monetary blow jobs to ncsoft.  


I will probably get lots of hate for this, and ppl saying that i'm a whiner or a leecher or whatever you wanna call me which you are very much entitled too :-)


Just like i'm entitled to rant on this forum.  


Am trying to get my friend to forward me the e-mails they sent him so i have proof to post on here of this bulllshit, doubt he'll give them to me but i will try :-)


Rant over


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27 minutes ago, Altoencocaina-DN said:

 Was then enchanting these pants with supplements, when i failed to noticed that i ran out of supplements and did 2 enchantments without them which costed me 76 million kinah.....76 million kinah.... i REPEAT 76 MILLION nyerkING KINAH. 

Exact same thing happened to me. I did the same as you -- asked for the kinah back, reset my wings back to +13, and not refund my omega. Answer was no.

That said, I have a monthly subscription AND I usually buy about $20 worth of ncoin every month. So I spend about $35 a month on Aion. Not nearly as much as some people, of course, but I'm not a free player either. So your friend just got lucky, and honestly, he was probably being super freaking annoying with his emails and they just wanted to get rid of him.

In the end, someone has to keep this game alive. Let your friend be that dude, and let him have his silly ncoin. I understand you're frustrated that they didn't give you what you asked to receive, but that is true of any customer service. Depending on the manager/supervisor you get when there is a problem, you might get a small gift card or you might get nothing. If a waiter spills food on me, I might get my meal comped or I might just get a "hey sorry." That's just life. People are only human, not robots; they don't all behave in the same manner.

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You want 76m back for YOUR mistake. YOUR friend make a mistake socketing +10 stones without using the major felicitous socketings and you all want  NC to refund for YOUR mistake? In that 2 weeks back and forth, you could have easily made 1-2b. Adjust to the game or stay bad.

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just give up and suck it up we all have to heck i wasted kinah on making stupid sets  does it get annoying  yes

you wanna play catch  pay the piper or shut up 


p2w is in all f2p games   learn to have  fun on your own


and dont ask how thats for you to figure out



ohh wwwaaaaahhh i get one shotted   oohhh waaaaaaahh i cant get ahead  easily



dude if you want my honest advice you would be better off playing other games than aion (dont try to be a smart ass  askin why i play)


play final fantasy xiv or something  or tera or  revelation or anything else if its no longer a smooth experience in aion


anywho  i am being douchbag what the sassafresss do i know (come on make your  how i am a dumb idiot  come back i will wait)


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24 minutes ago, Ele-DN said:

You want 76m back for YOUR mistake. YOUR friend make a mistake socketing +10 stones without using the major felicitous socketings and you all want  NC to refund for YOUR mistake? In that 2 weeks back and forth, you could have easily made 1-2b. Adjust to the game or stay bad.

Once again you fail to see my point my friend so i will try a clarify it so your little brain comprehends it a little better.  I am not trying to play catch up, i am not crying because i'm not geared, i'm not saying that Aion is a terrible game.


My simple question is, why can't NCSOFT treat their P2W players the same as they treat theirfree to play players.... simple as that...... you get it now?.... please stop calling me bad, this has nothing to do with skill in a video game or anything like that you idiot, its about principle......Comprehend or stay stupid

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19 minutes ago, Altoencocaina-DN said:

My simple question is, why can't NCSOFT treat their P2W players the same as they treat their free to play players...

You literally answer the question in the question: P2W. Your friend pays; you don't; he wins. THE END. Comprehend or stay stupid.


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1 minute ago, Furiosa-DN said:

You literally answer the question in the question: P2W. Your friend pays; you don't; he wins. THE END. Comprehend or stay stupid.


Ok well then lets follow your logic Purplepumperneckle.... I introduced YOU to the game... you NOW WASTE countless of dollars in their cash shop.....so since I introduced you to the game and now they are making more money because of me, doesn't that mean i deserve to be treated as a P2W player ?...... Comprehend or stay stupid.

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4 minutes ago, Altoencocaina-DN said:

Ok well then lets follow your logic Purplepumperneckle.... I introduced YOU to the game... you NOW WASTE countless of dollars in their cash shop.....so since I introduced you to the game and now they are making more money because of me, doesn't that mean i deserve to be treated as a P2W player ?...... Comprehend or stay stupid.

Did you not read? He pays. You don't. THE END. FINITO. NO OTHER CONSIDERATION. Comprehend or stay stupid.

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3 hours ago, Altoencocaina-DN said:

But hey its a free country and am aloud to nyerk and rant all I want !

...I know its a long post with alot of useless information but i like to talk/rant/nyerk freedom of speech son !

Just like i'm entitled to rant on this forum.  

Am trying to get my friend to forward me the e-mails they sent him so i have proof to post on here of this bulllshit, doubt he'll give them to me but i will try :-)

Just saying, freedom of speech doesn't apply to forums owned by private entities. I mean, you can rant all you want, but they can also close the thread and lock it in a place where no one else can see it, depending on how you choose to go about making your point.

With regards to your case, their response is consistent with what they tell other people who've made the same mistake. As for your friend's case...

You called out NCSoft based off of your friend's words alone. This puts you in the spotlight and it reflects poorly on you if you can't back up your words. For all you know, he could've fabricated the story about being given NCoin as compensation. If he DOESN'T pony up the information to you, is he really that good of a friend?

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Ok. was a really long text. 

lets see

People does not talk so much about this, but all classes are suposed to be stronger against some, and weaker against other. In my experience I saw that with my cleric is much easier to fight against plates. But is harder to fight against sorcerers and spirit masters. And If I want to fight the last ones I will need MR gear or maybe MSup. Some players are really skilled and can defeat every class with the same difficulty but is not the usual for the average player. Every class have some weak points and some strong points. Not sure about the Aetertech in PvP. But looks like a magic tank. Tanks like templars are strong against sorcerers. Aetertechs probably have more MR and MS in their gear, so Is not so weird to imagine that they could be good counters to sorcerers. 

About your economy. It is so true that is easier for players who pay real money to improve their economy, but actually the time you use in your game, and how you use it, can totally give you a lot of kinah and things. But to do that, you need to study the game, the drops, the events and try to find the best thing to do every day. If you check the broker you will see what the players demand and are so few units on the broker. Sometimes you will see that is a good moment to focus on something and collect/farm that item. Your "P2W" friend actually knows that. What he did with the states was in soem way smart (maybe not so fair with other people, but smart). When Ncsoft restarted with the housing some weeks ago, we had a lot of houses at the same time. A high offert with a low demand (we were few players buying compared with the amount of houses sold). So he bought states at 1-3 billions each. Some weeks later he sold one for 9 billions. Do you see what he did? He is looking for business and thinking how to take profit in the game. You should do something of that too. Maybe is hard to start with that investment, but start with something. You need to improve your economy. If 76 millions are so significant for you, you need to do something. 

About the lost manastones. Well. Support is right, is working as intended. Now you need between 15 to 30 manastones to full socket an item. Of course is so much and a lot of kinah, but it works in that way. Felicitous are expensive items but are supposed to be used on really expensive manastones. If you know that you will use 2 to 5 manastones to socket one, you can compare the prices. If 3 or 4 manastones are more expensive than manastone+felicitous, maybe is a good idea to use it. And is not supposed to be easy to have full +10 manastones on your gear. If you compare a +10 manastone with the old MB +27 of course they look so much expensive. Try to compare them with the expensive composites that only few players had. 

Finally about what support did with him and what they did with you, is all about how much do you insist and who read your message there. As you said, he received 2 negative answers before the good one with the ncoins. He did not give up. I have some issues in the past and I got different answers. When I was sure that I was right, I tried harder. I sended more tickets. I asked to talk with somebody with more experience. And After some tries, somebody with more knowledge answered me. Still IMO, +2 in a weap is better than 76 millions. But if you really needed them, you have your right to keep trying. I saw a lot of friends who never paid a cent, receiving a positive answer. I also saw players who paid, receiving a really bad support. Is not about money, is about your luck on who reads your ticket and how much do you insist. 

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2 hours ago, Forgotten-DN said:

Just saying, freedom of speech doesn't apply to forums owned by private entities. I mean, you can rant all you want, but they can also close the thread and lock it in a place where no one else can see it, depending on how you choose to go about making your point.

With regards to your case, their response is consistent with what they tell other people who've made the same mistake. As for your friend's case...

You called out NCSoft based off of your friend's words alone. This puts you in the spotlight and it reflects poorly on you if you can't back up your words. For all you know, he could've fabricated the story about being given NCoin as compensation. If he DOESN'T pony up the information to you, is he really that good of a friend?

That's what I am thinking as well. That's one hell of a lot of coin.

Would love to see the proof. Otherwise..


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We all have some moments of carelessness, two weeks ago i was trying to SAVE some kinah using the mountain of accumulated supplements from AoE & CoE, for some manastone socketing in my new PvE gear,  the thing was, i started with the  STAMP supps and forget to switch to the normal ones, so in the end i lost all the kinah in my inventory around  1.3 billions :(

I knew support was probably not going to refund me but i gave it a shot anyways and send a ticket trying to explain the inefficiency of the UI, thinking that maybe with that argument i could pull it off, but ofc it was to no avail, I only got the standard response... but hey! they linked me a copy of the 5.6 patch notes so kind :x

My ticket here >_<  https://imgur.com/a/CnuEk


But don't worry guys we can play in drunk/sleepy state again in 5.8 update



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4 hours ago, DevilNest-KT said:

We all have some moments of carelessness, two weeks ago i was trying to SAVE some kinah using the mountain of accumulated supplements from AoE & CoE, for some manastone socketing in my new PvE gear,  the thing was, i started with the  STAMP supps and forget to switch to the normal ones, so in the end i lost all the kinah in my inventory around  1.3 billions :(



THIS, is EXACTLY why I don't keep all my kinah in my inventory. This happened to me many years ago on another mmo where a quest took all of my gold when I stupidly didn't read it carefully enough. So now I only keep about 100mil on me at any one given time. I keep the rest in my warehouse. Funny enough people give me shit for not having all of my kinah in my inventory. One, it keeps me from spontaneously spending, two it keeps this exact incident from happening.

But we all know reading is super hard for most people. People log in and then ask lfg if using omega + supps is 100%. Although to be fair when you go to use omega and supp, it still says something about breaking upon failure. I feel it should be reworded at least when you have the omega and supps in place, anything else should have the standard message.

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