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If you were in charge of the 6.0 class rebalance, how would you go about it?


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I would do...

• Full removal of the Archdaeva system. (CPs, Color Essence, Transformations, etc.)
• Removal of Godstones
• Removal of Idians
• Removal of Omegas and Tempering Solutions
• Removal of Amplification (Gear above +15)

I would install an anti-hacker system and banish all who use cheating in the game. 

I would return with SM (no more good class).  Today, FEAR does not work, and SUMMON is just a BUG, a problem. There is an excess of BUGs in the game.

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2 minutes ago, Ksara-DN said:

I would do...

• Full removal of the Archdaeva system. (CPs, Color Essence, Transformations, etc.)
• Removal of Godstones
• Removal of Idians
• Removal of Omegas and Tempering Solutions
• Removal of Amplification (Gear above +15)

I would install an anti-hacker system and banish all who use cheating in the game.

we've been over this, anti-hacker systems don't really work ur better off actually employing gms that login and ban people LUL (but this costs $$)

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SW nerf list

1) make their shield only block physical again (makes sm/sorcs shield completely useless)

2) increase CD of freestyle to 1m so it cannot be used in conjunction with requiem consistently. (currently op)

3) increase CD's of treble cleave, fiery requiem and blazing requiem to 3m each (like sorcs big dps skills)

4) remove autumn and summer for being too rng based, and remove spring because that too many nyerk shields for a damn mage class that can heal. 

5) increase CD of purifying paean to 45s (frequent dispels should belong only to clerics, not mages)

6) increase mistrial flare cast time to 2s (like sorcs pandemonium focus 2k dp)


SM nerf list

1) If in a state of fear, your magic suppression is INCREASED by half the magic boost of the fear user AND all elemental defenses increase by 1000.

2) or..... fear breaks on damage (fears are meant to be cc's, not make your opponent completely helpless while you attack them for MORE damage)


AT nerf list

1) double boost has a 4min CD like glad/templar charge

2) increase conversion beam CD to 1m (like sins blood rune) and have it share same CD as siphoning stab

3) hypergate detonation regenerates no additional hp. (this is probably the most broken move... its basically 2k dp heal for templars)

4) increase kinetic slam CD to 1m

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15 minutes ago, Ariana-DN said:

Nós superamos isso, os sistemas anti-hackers realmente não funcionam melhor se empregando o gms que logue e bane pessoas LUL (mas isso custa $$)

I think the NCS tried to turn AION into a fighting game, like street fighter. But the AION is an MMO and not a fighting game.

Maybe that's the reason many friends leave this game. The arenas are empty, but the problem goes much further. The classes are not balanced. The classes are very different now. Some were very reduced (NERF) and others were very strong. Then the AION became a game of fights and gear. Who has the best set wins and not who is more skillful. I would change that. Skill must be AION's main engine and not the equipment. The fighting became unequal. The PVE instances lost their meaning and the PVP almost died. All this is wrong in my opinion and that is why I stopped investing in the game. 

Now I know it does not matter what my equipment is or how much money I can put into the game. I will never have a fair fight and I have several videos that prove this.

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10 minutes ago, Skyline-DN said:

SW nerf list

1) make their shield only block physical again (makes sm/sorcs shield completely useless)

2) increase CD of freestyle to 1m so it cannot be used in conjunction with requiem consistently. (currently op)

3) increase CD's of treble cleave, fiery requiem and blazing requiem to 3m each (like sorcs big dps skills)

4) remove autumn and summer for being too rng based, and remove spring because that too many nyerk shields for a damn mage class that can heal. 

5) increase CD of purifying paean to 45s (frequent dispels should belong only to clerics, not mages)


SM nerf list

1) If in that of fear, your magic suppression is INCREASED by half the magic boost of the fear user AND all elemental defenses increase by 1000.

2) or..... fear breaks on damage (fears are meant to be cc's, not make your opponent completely helpless while you attack them for MORE damage)


AT nerf list

1) double boost has a 4min CD like glad/templar charge

2) increase conversion beam CD to 1m (like sins blood rune) and have it share same CD as siphoning stab

3) hypergate detonation regenerates no additional hp. (this is probably the most broken move... its basically 2k dp heal for templars)

4) increase kinetic slam CD to 1m

as a gunner i wish i could 2k dp has hard as a sw can treble cleave FeelsBadMan

on the sm part i think it would be nice to have it break on x damage taken so its like harder than sleep to break (instantly) but could take like say 10% of target's max hp as an example number even 20% is better than what it is now lol

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1 minute ago, Ksara-DN said:

I think the NCS tried to turn AION into a fighting game, like street fighter. But the AION is an MMO and not a fighting game.

Maybe that's the reason many friends leave this game. The arenas are empty, but the problem goes much further. The classes are not balanced. The classes are very different now. Some were very reduced (NERF) and others were very strong. Then the AION became a game of fights and gear. Who has the best set wins and not who is more skillful. I would change that. Skill must be AION's main engine and not the equipment. The fighting became unequal. The PVE instances lost their meaning and the PVP almost died. All this is wrong in my opinion and that is why I stopped investing in the game. 

Now I know it does not matter what my equipment is or how much money I can put into the game. I will never have a fair fight and I have several videos that prove this.

Aion has always been a "forced pvp" game which is why I and so many others loved the game. The downfall of Aion, especially in the 5.0+ patches is that it became mainly a pve game.

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11 minutes ago, Skyline-DN said:

Lista SW nerf

1) faça seu escudo apenas bloquear novamente o físico (faz o protetor sm / sorcs completamente inútil)

2) aumentar o CD de estilo livre para 1m, portanto não pode ser usado em conjunto com o requiem consistentemente. (atualmente op)

3) aumentar o CD dos trevos, o requiem ardente eo requiem ardente para 3m cada (como as habilidades grandes e grandes do dps)

4) remova o outono e o verão por terem uma base muito grande, e remova a primavera porque muitos escudos do nyerk são para uma má classe de mago que pode curar. 

5) aumentar o CD de purificação de paean para 45s (as dissecações frequentes devem pertencer apenas aos clérigos, e não aos magos)

6) aumentar o tempo de lançamento do flare de mina para 2s (como sorcs pandemonium focus 2k dp)

================================================== ================================

Lista SM nerf

1) Se em um estado de medo, sua supressão mágica é aumentada pela metade do impulso mágico do usuário do medo e todas as defesas elementares aumentam em 1000.

2) ou ..... o medo quebra o dano (os medos devem ser cc's, não faça seu oponente completamente desamparado enquanto você os ataca por mais danos)

================================================== ================================

Lista AT nerf

1) o impulso duplo tem um CD de 4min como carga alegre / templar

2) aumentar o CD do feixe de conversão para 1 m (como a runa sangrenta dos pecados) e ter o mesmo CD que o sifão da facada

3) a detonação de hipergate não regenera hp adicional. (Este é provavelmente o movimento mais quebrado ... é basicamente 2k dp curar para templários)

4) aumentar o CD do slim cinético para 1m

No no no no. Fear no work more. Summon is a BUG. I dont have defense. No more NERF to SM.

If NCS NERF SM again... I will definitely leave/ abandon forever the AION.

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ATs' forward leap chain is way too weak to get a 4 min cooldown though. Charge is amazing because the effect lasts a couple of seconds. Boost and Double Boost only get you forward a miserable distance.

The only real change I can think of is giving Chanters some form of cleansing skill. Dont care if it has a 2 min cd, or if it can only be used on one target, but I would really like one. Maybe boosting Word of Life a bit, and upping the stats of certain group-wide buffs.

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7 minutes ago, Ariana-DN said:

as a gunner i wish i could 2k dp has hard as a sw can treble cleave FeelsBadMan

on the sm part i think it would be nice to have it break on x damage taken so its like harder than sleep to break (instantly) but could take like say 10% of target's max hp as an example number even 20% is better than what it is now lol

Hey man, gunners had their glory days when they first released. OP as hell lol but yeah, gunners are on the lower end of the spectrum now... along with sorcs. But yeah, having fear break on dmg, or the dmg received while feared is only 20% (like having eternal denial up) would be nice

4 minutes ago, Bryos-KT said:

ATs' forward leap chain is way too weak to get a 4 min cooldown though. Charge is amazing because the effect lasts a couple of seconds. Boost and Double Boost only get you forward a miserable distance.

The only real change I can think of is giving Chanters some form of cleansing skill. Dont care if it has a 2 min cd, or if it can only be used on one target, but I would really like one. Maybe boosting Word of Life a bit, and upping the stats of certain group-wide buffs.

I have to disagree. It is almost impossible to kill an AT in open world. Once you get them to 25%, they either aoe some mobs back to full HP or they boost away to the closest aircraft/windstream. It's quite annoying they can get away from almost anything every 22s..

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5 minutes ago, Skyline-DN said:

Hey man, gunners had their glory days when they first released. OP as hell lol but yeah, gunners are on the lower end of the spectrum now... along with sorcs. But yeah, having fear break on dmg, or the dmg received while feared is only 20% (like having eternal denial up)

my glory days was i burned a glad xform in 2 chains of skills flat :^) but i mean overall i do wish my dp skills were better one does nothing since im mb/atkspeed capped, another does less than treble cleave and the third is a charge up for aoe that AT gets as a normal skill, it would be nice to receive some actual cool downs though cuz that was the main reason why gunners were so op ---> they had full cds to kill u with within like 1 minute of using them so it wouldn't break gunners that hard.

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Just now, Ariana-DN said:

my glory days was i burned a glad xform in 2 chains of skills flat :^) but i mean overall i do wish my dp skills were better one does nothing since im mb/atkspeed capped, another does less than treble cleave and the third is a charge up for aoe that AT gets as a normal skill, it would be nice to receive some actual cool downs though cuz that was the main reason why gunners were so op ---> they had full cds to kill u with within like 1 minute of using them.

man... I remember when I was one of those players that leveled up a gunner from 1- 65 within the first 72hr of release back in 4.0.. I didn't even have gear and I was burning through ppl with discordant because magic suppression wasn't a thing yet..... good times good times.

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- I'd like to reduce the cooldown of Stamina Discharge from 1m to 30s. Also make it dispel 2 (strong) debuffs instead of only one (and not be restricted to a self dispel)

- Make Leaping Flash instant cast/charge. YES chanters do need their own version of Sure Strike. The animation of Leaping Flash is TOO AWESOME, but no one uses it cuz charge sucks

- Make Rise dispels Paralyze. This stigma have a long 3 minute cooldown. Removing Paralyze wouldn't be game breaking

- Improve the PVP damage of Blessing of Wind. With the insane ammount of Magic Suppression nowadays, this skills is pretty useless in most scenarios

- Keep all the Archdaeva Skills as normal skillbooks. They're pretty nice (I'm still in love with Protection Ward)

- Add a new skill that chains with Remove Shock / Rise. Yes, chanters have 2 shock cleanses but only one skill is worth of giving up the remove shock buff


I think the class is pretty nice as a Support and also rocking as a PVPing class. I can't recall any other change/balance i'd like to see


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7 minutes ago, Sunix-DN said:


- I'd like to reduce the cooldown of Stamina Discharge from 1m to 30s. Also make it dispel 2 (strong) debuffs instead of only one (and not be restricted to a self dispel)

- Make Leaping Flash instant cast/charge. YES chanters do need their own version of Sure Strike. The animation of Leaping Flash is TOO AWESOME, but no one uses it cuz charge sucks

- Make Rise dispels Paralyze. This stigma have a long 3 minute cooldown. Removing Paralyze wouldn't be game breaking

- Improve the PVP damage of Blessing of Wind. With the insane ammount of Magic Suppression nowadays, this skills is pretty useless in most scenarios

- Keep all the Archdaeva Skills as normal skillbooks. They're pretty nice (I'm still in love with Protection Ward)

- Add a new skill that chains with Remove Shock / Rise. Yes, chanters have 2 shock cleanses but only one skill is worth of giving up the remove shock buff


I think the class is pretty nice as a Support and also rocking as a PVPing class. I can't recall any other change/balance i'd like to see


Alright, that is clear chanter bias...

Dispels paralysis? yeah ok... op..... >__>

Having two remove shocks is already pretty op

and honestly, if played correctly, they're one of the top 1v1 pvp classes at the moment lol I don't think they need a nerf, but they surely don't need a buff either.

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1 minute ago, Skyline-DN said:

Alright, that is clear chanter bias...

Dispels paralysis? yeah ok... op..... >__>

Having two remove shocks is already pretty op

and honestly, if played correctly, they're one of the top 1v1 pvp classes at the moment lol I don't think they need a nerf, but they surely don't need a buff either.

I agree.

But i think the chanter deserves the title of 'pretty OP' class of a patch because they played bottom tier and underdog of this MMO for quite a long time

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Just now, Sunix-DN said:

I agree.

But i think the chanter deserves the title of 'pretty OP' class of a patch because they played bottom tier and underdog of this MMO for quite a long time

The whole point of these upcoming patches is to balance the classes, not reparations for being the underdog in the past xD

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@Bryos-KT is correct, SW got buffed in 4.8 and now everyone plays them because you can press 1,2,3 and win every fight.

Apart from the glaring SW OPness I'd say classe balance is not terrible right now considering the archdaeva mess they created.

The least played class at the moment seems to be Assassin? I hardly see any of them around especially not in PvP. Maybe a sin can weigh in on why they are so underplayed?

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1 minute ago, meme-KT said:

@Bryos-KT is correct, SW got buffed in 4.8 and now everyone plays them because you can press 1,2,3 and win every fight.

Apart from the glaring SW OPness I'd say classe balance is not terrible right now considering the archdaeva mess they created.

The least played class at the moment seems to be Assassin? I hardly see any of them around especially not in PvP. Maybe a sin can weigh in on why they are so underplayed?

In terms of pvp, sins are pretty strong at the moment. Many people shy away from the class is because it is the most ping dependent class. Not everyone has 40< ping even with broadband connection / proxy.

1 minute ago, HealingSquid-KT said:

All sins left when Aidps came out LEL.

turbo still around, no? kek

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