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Lag like never!


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Hello everyone, I have some really bad issues with my aion since I upgraded my cpu , mainboard and ram. I try to delete the game and reinstall it but it is still not working. I don't understand why because I get a much more better ram and board. The game is not even as good as it was before, before it was really good i could move with less lag. Now when i click somewhere it takes 1-2 minutes for the game to move. My pc is working verry good but the game isn't . Please let me know if you know a way to repair all.

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if you upgraded you cpu, try to check if your graphycs drivers are on date. Sometimes you just install everything else and you have video signal in the operative system, but once inside a game, it start to lag so much (the last versions on windows have some generic drivers so you can have signal in your screen, but are not the right ones). Check on the offical page from your video card to see if you can download the last updated drivers for it. Is your video card the same than before or is a new one too?

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sorry for the double post, but...

I was thinking a little more about what you said.

Did you upgraded your cpu, motherboard and ram, but you just conected your old hard drive (hard disk) there with the windows you previously had and all the settings and programs that you had on your old CPU+motherboard+ram? If you did that, That could be the problem. I do not know so much about this, but a friend who really knows told me some time ago, that everytime that I change my cpu and /or motherboard, I need to start from 0 in the new C: partition. So you have to format that one and install windows and the drivers from nothing. Aparently when you install those things they  create the best settings for your current hardware, but they will not work properly with different hardware. So even if you can just add  a hard drive with everything installed in a new computer, it will not work fine. 

You can still make a copy from your aion folder and keep it. So you will just install the launcher in the new C: and when the game starts to download you can replace the new aion folder with the old one and will work (and will save you a lot of time, even if the launcher use some mins to check the integrity). 

If you already did this. you have a new OS for your new computer and installed the drivers again, and you keep having this issue. Try to check your rams. Sometimes they have errors on them. But the OS just uses a fraction and if the errors are not there, everything is fine. But when apps like Aion and other games start to work, they need more RAM and they can find those errors and you will have random issues. 

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