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Weekly Server Maintenance - March 7, 2018


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We all know 6.0 will disable alt-farming, then why not get rid/banned of some accounts with abuse of EC kick? I already can see way too many problems this kick system going to bring. Starting with opposite faction alts and continuing with own faction alts to kick players they don't like (but from alt to not get punished on main). NC gms will just give a simple warning... people will get away with kicks and we know it.

Although, I think the biggest problem in this will be guys who are scared to pass lead to someone who could lead to victory, but they are afraid do get kicked once they're no longer a captain. If I understand @Hime, kicking will be punished. But what about people who just take lead by going in first and don't lead? Just in fear of being kicked. And we can't report them for "kicking abuse" because they wouldn't do it, but this will reduce chances of winning. And we can't use /3 or /1 chat to communicate, as by using those channels you talk to all battlefields.

WE NEED COMMUNICATION BETWEEN EVERYBODY IN LEAGUE. Not just leaders of alliances. Just like /b chat in coalition that hugs all 250 people we need something like this in evargale. People wont pass lead if they know that this might end up in them being kicked for whatever reason.

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Adding the kick back is by far the most knee jerk reaction you can have.  I agree something needed to be done but all adding this back is gonna cause is less people doing ec, drama from wrong kicks and longer que times.    Hope I am wrong but this community has shown many times over the years power goes to there heads and they cannot handle it.  Just my 2 cents but imo they should be temp banning off reports and not giving players power they can't handle.  

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1 hour ago, Heat-KT said:


Although, I think the biggest problem in this will be guys who are scared to pass lead to someone who could lead to victory, but they are afraid do get kicked once they're no longer a captain. If I understand @Hime, kicking will be punished. But what about people who just take lead by going in first and don't lead? Just in fear of being kicked.


If I had lead I sure as hell wouldn't pass it to anyone unless I fully trusted them for this exact reason. Can you blame me? And I am level 75 and geared. Imagine a level 67 in starter gear who is fortunate enough to get lead. The only certainty that that person has of not getting kicked is hanging on tight to that lead. And you want to punish them?

I am honestly not sure how you are going to prove that someone abused the kick function.

The Coalition Do's:

  • Actively participate in the Coalition to support your faction
  • Learn and follow instructions provided by siege leaders.

What doesn't count as abuse:

  • Kicking a player for inactivity who is griefing or other toxic behavior that occurs during the current siege period

So I get lead. Do a quick ready check. Kick anyone not fast enough to push yes. (technically afk)  Tell people so come to the gate. Kick anyone that doesn't. (girefing because they didn't follow the instruction) Tell people to run to mid or run to some odd place. Kick anyone that doesn't that you actually want to kick. (i.e. that level 68, the undergeared PvE queen, the loudmouth you don't like, that buy in the legion you don't like, everyone that isn't level 75 and geared). And if Support tries to warn you or give you a three day, you just tell them you did a ready check and they failed. (Can be verified.) Gave a clear instruction that the person didn't follow. (Can be verified.) "I clearly told the alliance to go to <blank> and this person refused and because of that we were losing."

Sieges are a once a day big thing. How many people get lead of an Alliance in each faction on each server? 8? 10? Now how many people get lead of an alliance during the three hours that Evergale us up? 80? More? Support is already potato. Now they will be potato with way way way too much work to do. 

Keep in mind that when the game went Free To Play, Support stopped accepting tickets about people that afk in Dredg because it was just too much work. Evergale is Dredg on steroids as we all have unlimited entrances.


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How to Fix EC

  • Remove the 25 GP when you lose
  • Only need 2000 points to get <Artifact of Knowledge Core Fragment>, but only get 1 (it is almost impossible to get 4000 points against a premade when you are QE)
  • +1 <Artifact of Knowledge Core Fragment> with prestige pack
  • Auto Ready Check every 1000 points, kick if you do not put ready (dont aply for DC ppl)
  • Remove leader kicks
  • 1 day ban for afk leaders

sorry for my englisg xD

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5 minutes ago, MDMA-KT said:

lol I dont even try to keep up with my posts but i can definitely see incoming spams for tickets, from now on if i get lead ima just vice people unless i trust them.

see that's what I'm talking about, people will give vices to potential "leaders", but vices can't talk properly in between other alliances in league. This is recipe for disaster. 
Is there a job opening in support team as you will need more force? :D I'd like to apply

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Real talk, guys. All we can do is try to police our own actions. This update to EC is happening whether you like it or not. We cannot control the actions of others. We cannot prevent a-holes from kicking us if they don't like us or any other reason. All we can do is try to be OUR best selves.

I would never kick a level 66 player if they were making an effort. Why? Because I wouldn't want someone to kick my level 66 alts if I was making an effort. Are there other people who WILL kick a level 66? Yeah, absolutely. But I can't change that. Because, again, this update is happening regardless of how much I like or dislike it.

All we can do is be the best examples that we can be. Crying about it is not going to make NCsoft suddenly say this morning, "Oh! Let's skip that update because they don't like it!" No. They're going to do it. Just do your best, take a deep breath and remind yourself it's just a game, and go on about your business.

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9 minutes ago, AsunaCL-DN said:


How to Fix EC

  • Remove the 25 GP when you lose
  • Only need 2000 points to get <Artifact of Knowledge Core Fragment>, but only get 1 (it is almost impossible to get 4000 points against a premade when you are QE)
  • +1 <Artifact of Knowledge Core Fragment> with prestige pack
  • Auto Ready Check every 1000 points, kick if you do not put ready (dont aply for DC ppl)
  • Remove leader kicks
  • 1 day ban for afk leaders

sorry for my englisg xD

I agree with lowering points needed for the fragments, however I strongly disagree with the auto ready checks every 1 k points.  Ready checks are annoying nothing worse then being in a pvp encounter fighting and get this pop up box right in front of you.  


Also your English is very good nothing to apologize for :-)

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3 hours ago, Ymad-DN said:

I would like 6.0 before an event. But I think Aion could take a cue from Blade and Soul and do a Daily Dash type game in between major events.  That may eliminate this demand for I want an event now.  And give Aion the time to iron out exploits/broken events.


Yes I am bored.  Waiting for this storm storm to happen and of course maintentance.

put the wrong cue in there****

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wtf is <Executioner Caeus Curious Equipment Box> i could say 90% level 80 AP gear

so wtf is this the new gear just came out and no one NA finished full gear yet and put that shit on luna?

we farm dam evergale and boring dred and anoyying FM and someone does not do anything just pay some NC out gear all this farm

no wonder why evryone left aion

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23 minutes ago, ShadowHunter-KT said:

wtf is <Executioner Caeus Curious Equipment Box> i could say 90% level 80 AP gear

so wtf is this the new gear just came out and no one NA finished full gear yet and put that shit on luna?

we farm dam evergale and boring dred and anoyying FM and someone does not do anything just pay some NC out gear all this farm

no wonder why evryone left aion

^ This. Terribly aggressive with the dice game offerings in Luna lately. Would it be too much trouble to make the items available through some manner of ah, I don't know... gameplay, perhaps? And by that I mean some other gameplay than a cash shop exclusive lottery.

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you might all consider stop writing wall of texts like if you were in a church making wishes to god. You wont be listened nor here or there regarding your "suggestions"... after 9 years, when this game actually had a population, none of the high brains considered the brilliant idea of "quick entry vs quick entry" "premade vs premade"... why would they do it now that there are less players than never before

tbh the more fun i can imagine out of this is geting in an alt to get in fast, get lead and laught at the chaos i can unleash lmao, imagine if i get to see byros and aly in there xD oh the rain of tears 

if you play you shouldnt be afraid of anything, if you dont play dont bother entering, if you afk because on the other side you get anicheaters and you are surrounded by... well whatever, what does it matter just leave or afk till they win or you get kicked and you get prived of your 25gp

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50 minutes ago, ShadowHunter-KT said:

wtf is <Executioner Caeus Curious Equipment Box> i could say 90% level 80 AP gear

so wtf is this the new gear just came out and no one NA finished full gear yet and put that shit on luna?

we farm dam evergale and boring dred and anoyying FM and someone does not do anything just pay some NC out gear all this farm

no wonder why evryone left aion

these weapons are broken as nyerk especially for non melee classes.    At +0 get 17.1 base pvp atk + when aug get another 5.5% like really so any class that doesn't rely on extend is gg.  These weps cannot be used as combines so once again nc hating on melee classes :-(

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I'm glad that Evergale has allowed kicking afkers but I have worries some people might use it for wrong reasons....

Also please Cyan tell us if there be a event week (maybe tiamat eye event?), I dont want to get my hopes up....

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