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Weekly Server Maintenance - March 21, 2018


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  • Aion Team

There will be a scheduled maintenance Wednesday, March 21, 2018 from 6:00 AM to 9:00 AM Central Time. The game servers will be unavailable for approximately 3 hours.


  1. Routine website and server maintenance.
  2. Return to Tiamaranta's eye event will continue for three more weeks.
  3. Shugo Sweep will continue for two more weeks.
  4. +200% Bonus XP and +50% Drop Week will start.
  5. Hyperion in Infinity Shard will no longer give GP.
  6. The quests “[Alliance] Keep up the Defense” and “[Alliance] Defend to the End” in Eternal Bastion will have their GP removed. The quest dialogue will be updated in a future update.
  7. Variouss text and localization issues will be fixed.

Be sure to follow @L2andAionOps for server updates. Thank you for your patience!

Maintenance Images of the Week

3rbbvsp1dem01.jpg CDDBLVC.jpg h2lkwix9c1m01.jpg

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  • Aion Team

Hello all,

As GP change to the Eternal Bastion quests was unintentionally added last week. This is part of a few changes we have coming for GP gain and you can see today that GP is being removed from Infinity Shard as well. 

Also, the merchant for the Return to Tiamaranta's Eye event didn't make it into the build for this maintenance but we are looking to have it ready to go later this week. Well let everyone know when to expect it!

Thank you.

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  • Cyan pinned this topic
17 minutes ago, Cyan said:

Also, the merchant for the Return to Tiamaranta's Eye event didn't make it into the build for this maintenance but we are looking to have it ready to go later this week. Well let everyone know when to expect it!

7days (Event) Omegas and Temperings confirmed. Alt hoarders get nyerked.

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5 minutes ago, Fafa-DN said:

@Cyan   can you at least let us know what the reward costs will be?  Every day you delay it you're looking at having MORE AND MORE upset players because of potentially wasted time farming this event.

Tell us the reward cost.

Really. How hard is it to communicate with your player base? We just want to know the cost and we want to know how hard we're going to get nyerked over. 


2 minutes ago, Mirei-KT said:

7days (Event) Omegas and Temperings confirmed. Alt hoarders get nyerked.

Confirmed where? 

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Hello, in the original Tia eye event announcement you said the event would run through April 11th, is it only going to be until the 4th now or ist that just a mistake?  My legion is really enjoying the pvp and would appreciate it if went the entire 4 week announcement.

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Are you seriously not bringing the NPC back when doing the maintenance? How much time do you need to make some modifications? It's already been 7 days, when it was in your disadvantage you guys took the server down in 2 seconds and removed it, now when it's in our disadvantage to not have it back you are taking until the end of the event to put it back? Jesus this is just trolling and really seems like you don't need people to play this game. Seriously!

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Come one guys, this is low even for you Ncsoft.... delaying the npc, makes it even more obvious that you intentionally making your playerbase upset...

Can you atleast give us the preview of the prices? You atleast owe us that much for the people who didnt get a chance to use the coins on the 1st  DAY!

 This should be your main priority than removing gp from instances no one really does anymore!

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Best event ruined by league loot and lack of competence. As usual thanks NC.  I like how you are bothering to waste time on removing GP from stuff instead of pushing price fixes for the vendor or a loot fix, I mean really how hard is it? It has been 7 days and NC can't push a fix. Don't even say "later in the week" cause we know we wont hear anything until Tuesday.

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23 minutes ago, Cyan said:

Also, the merchant for the Return to Tiamaranta's Eye event didn't make it into the build for this maintenance but we are looking to have it ready to go later this week. Well let everyone know when to expect it!

One day you say ''we will do this''' one day you take it back. Cancelling my prestige. I don't like to be fooled over and over again by an unworthy company.

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Let us know the rewards, for people like me who only get to play 2-3 hours a day I don't want to be wasting my time farming coins in the eye for 2 weeks straight and finding out at a later date that it is all for 1 omega stone lol.

At least when I know what the rewards are I can choice what I want to do with my time.

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I don't think you guys at NcSoft realize what a hornets nest you are creating here, unnecessarily.

Let people know the prices so that they can decide for themselves what amount of time in zombie mode fatty farming is worth it to them. Right now you are literally forcing people to keep farming to remain competitive in what you get out of the event.

You are going to have a riot on your hands if when the prices come out they are higher than what people perceive to be fair AND on top of that they have wasted their time farming for said ridiculous prices.

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Unfortunately, we already have the fix. League loot with jacked up prices. No way they can go back on that now. 

Everyone is waiting to see how high those prices are going to go and I believe people are going to be mad no matter what the prices will be. 


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What's next NC? Pay NCoins to use the NPC vendor at Tia Eye? You guys obviously don't care about the player base. We've been waiting all week since you guy's ninja'd the NPC from us and we still can't even get it back since. If I'm not mistaken, NC was the mistake maker for leaving the drop at league loot. Unreasonable for you to be slacking so hard and making us wait.

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