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LF Lgbt legion?

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If only you were on DN and Asmo, my legion is super friendly in that regards though we're rp oriented.  I get where you're coming from.  You got idiots like Arxa who's little brain can't comprehend that you're looking for a legion that doesn't call each other homophobic retorts every five seconds in a show of 'bro-ism,' but is rather not a toxic place that doesn't stoop to such simpleton remarks. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well if your an elyos I might be able to help you out.  My legion call forsaken is a very open legion.  We have people who are gay and straight and from different backgrounds.  Though most of us are little busy with irl ATM. We still have fun when we get on.  Feel free to apply or mail me in game.  Name is etherealblade

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