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Looking for Legion! ; DN - Elyos


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Hi! I'm Chi, Sushi, Zi, Squeaks, Squiggles, or whatever you wanna nickname me! I'ma newbie, got a level 10 Chanter, and I'm looking for a Legion/Guild who's helpful and able to teach me all I need to know about the game, gear, my class, etc. Friendly, social, understanding, and just all around welcoming is a must for a possible guild. Thank you for your time! IGN is Elixir :D

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11 hours ago, Kiriniro-DN said:

i can help you out and Such with leveling to 66, Takes about 3 days after 66 its a Grind and takes alot of Time to get from 66 - 75


11 hours ago, Kiriniro-DN said:

add me Kinji - DN Elyos

Hi! Sorry, was sleeping, had to sleep early to get up in time to take my dog back to the vet, if my friend decides to show up to take us...

Sure! I'd love some help, I did level a bit last night to around level 24 or 25 I believe, IGN Elixir will be able to accept the friend request or add you whenever I'm back from the vet, if we even go haha

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