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Runtime Error!


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good afternoon friends of ncsoft I am a new user of the aion, I have a problem with the game, the problem is that when logear starts the game and when playing it jumps an error with the execution time the error says asi [Program: C: / Program Files / NCSOFT / Aion / bin32 / aion.bin] That's the mistake I have, this does not allow me to play in advance I thank you for the help and leave you the image of the error and if someone can help me, note already try to repair with the updater and you're already looking in the forums and I have not got the solution



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Good afternoon, thank you very much for answering my request for help, I followed your instructions to the letter and keep the same error, I do not improve in anything, eye, something I omitted earlier if I ignore the error and I do not clickeo accept I can continue playing, until the texture of the game turns red and they say [Replace Me!], so I can play for about 5 minutes and kick me, when I can take a picture of the red pictures I upload the picture!


note: I'm from Venezuela here the internet is slow, the download of Aion lasts 7 days, if it is possible to solve it without having to eliminate it I would be more than grateful

photo of the error as such


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How old is your computer?

Sometimes that happens when your computer is old and running a 32-bit operating system. :(

What kind of computer do you have?

Have you tried updating your graphics card drivers?

Can you turn your "shaders" graphics options in game all the way down?


Can you contact the Support team at https://support.aiononline.com/hc/en-us and send a message to technical support?

Tell them you cannot do the bin32/bin64, L10N, or Data download fix (because that probably not fix this problem, and it will take you a long time to download).

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thank you very much for the answers, I do not know much about computers but I appreciate your help and I try to solve the problems there I leave the specifications of my team, to see if you can help me a little more, beforehand I thank you!




I am really grateful for your help and I could not describe my gratitude if you can solve this problem, I wait for your answer, good evening

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Wooo, your computer is old. Possibly 2011 old. :(

Unfortunately, it looks like you do not have enough memory to run Aion. You only have 2048MB RAM. You can maybe buy another 2GB RAM stick, but I'm not sure that would fix the problem. That would also be difficult for you if you don't know about computers. :(

Replace Me! error usually happens when you have too little memory.

Do you have your game settings set all the way low?

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yes sir, download the whole configuration, the thing is that I had already played aion 5.0 and had run very well on my pc, excellent, I never had any kind of errors It really frustrates me not being able to solve the problem and even more not knowing what the problem is: ((

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:( I wish I knew, too. You sent that message to Support, right? They have more tools than I do to help you out. :(

If you can, you can try updating your graphics drivers. Supposedly, these might be them: https://downloadcenter.intel.com/download/24970/Intel-HD-Graphics-Driver-for-Windows-7-8-8-1-32bit?product=53480

Get the win32_152824.exe file and install it.

This is your PC, right? Not a laptop?


I have to go to bed now. Have work in the morning. But I will try to check on this thread tomorrow. :(

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Yes, I already send the message to the support, and if it is my desktop PC, it is not portable, right now I will install the drivers that you added to me, but I also have to go to work, upon arrival from my job I would try them and I would contact back to the photo, thank you very much for the help and recommendations

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Tal vez tu problema no sea en si el Aion, si no mas bien lo sea en Windows, como te dice esa ventana, tienes un error de ejecución provocado por las librerias de Microsoft c++, normalmente estas librerias se van actualizando con el Windows, pero tal vez pudiera haber una que no se instalo de forma correcta, por eso seria bueno que revisaras si todas las actualizaciones están instaladas de forma correcta, para eso ve al botón inicio -> configuración -> actualización y seguridad, y en la opción de Windows update dale clic al botón de buscar actualizaciones.


Algo que también te podría ayudar es corregir errores en el registro de Windows, hay unos muy buenos como el Norton Utilities que hacen eso, pero tienes que comprarlo, pero hay varios que son gratis, te dejo aquí un link donde recomiendan 10, y asi puedas escoger el que mejor te paresca. Solo haz clic en este texto.


Y por último, como te dijo Cheesecake, contacta a soporte, ellos te podrían dar una mejor orientación de como resolver tu problema. Mucha suerte y nos vemos dentro del juego.

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