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how can I get more greater supplements ? scarce resource! D:


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I'm struggling to get supplements to enchant my gear. the broker has literally no small bags of supplements right now.  Aion staff pls add supps to the list of loot from the boxes or something xD  I have lots of omegas collecting dust because there are no supps to buy.

or can the community teach me the easiest/fastest (no real money) way to get a lot of supps?

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The best way is Archives of Eternity (AoE). You get 400 of them per run, if I remember correctly. Otherwise, you can purchase them with Blood Marks from Dragon Lord's Shrine in Levinshor and Brokenblade Outpost in Upper Reshanta each week.

You also have Atreian Passport, thats how I got most of my enchanting done. But this one is more about building up a collection instead.

Otherwise, you have Cradle of Eternity (CoE), Secret Munitions Factory, Linkgate Foundry (5 keys Belsagos only).

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If you meant Greater supplements [mythic] let’s see.

- Archives of Eternity - Loot from 3 bosses

-Cradle of Eternity - Loot from 3 bosses + boxes in the library

-Fallen Poeta - Loot from chest after killing final boss

-Upper Abyss (Reshanta) one npc in artifact should be selling them. (Not sure if you buy them using bloodmarks/bloodmedals/kinah)

And try to get instance entry boost to increase your runs.

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It was definitely premature of NCSoft to remove supplements from the BCM.  Because of this, a lot of people that would normally buy sups from there have had to buy them from the broker instead, which in turn has depleted the supply significantly.  This combined with the deflation of kinah due to the event, makes it very difficult to get the 4,000 sups required to get one one piece of gear +15.

I was going to start a petition to bring them back to the BCM until 10/24, but I already saw your post, so I thought it would be okay to add my comment here.  @Cyanwith all the master harvester gear and Caeus gear being given out now, could you please add the greater mythic supplements back to the BCM?  You might also want to add the major felicious socketing boxes back too.  It is extremely difficult to prepare gear to the +15 minimum required to get an exchange in 6.2 without these options available in the BCM.

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GUYS.... wtf? I have absolutely no idea what's the point of enchanting something that will NOT exist in 3 weeks lmao xD

In 6.x you get your new gear the exact same way you used get it before... (in 4.x, 5.x etc)... you run around the camps in the new zone, do your daily quests.. and then go an buy whatever new gear you want... everyone would be doing that...

Old gear does NOT exist anymore... old enchatment stones do not exist anymore... forget about this already... 

There is not point in converting old gear to anything... it's useless...

Just farm the mats for the new gear and buy it... like in every Aion version... for the past 10 years LOL

And of course like in everyone Aion version if you like crafting you can also craft the new gear... that's it... simple and easy... xD no enchatments no supplements... this is gone already

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1 hour ago, DarkEnergy-KT said:

@Cyan the master harvester gear and Caeus gear being given out now, could you please add the greater mythic supplements back to the BCM?

Master harvester gear does not have 100% enchant rate, even with supps.....? Is there any real reason to use them that I'm missing? Do they affect 11-15 that much?

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1 hour ago, Cheesecake-DN said:

Master harvester gear does not have 100% enchant rate, even with supps.....? Is there any real reason to use them that I'm missing? Do they affect 11-15 that much?


I guess all depends on the economy at the time u want to enchant.

When i enchanted my purified set  Omega prices were 90-110M  and shining 2-3M

i used only shining stones with No supps between 120 and 200 per piece. 

Way way cheaper than omega+supp

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