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Old junks in my warehouse...


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Hey... again with another minor 6.* question...

What should i do with most of the junks (normal manastones, archdaeva +6 manastones, alchemy recipes, alchemy mats, fabled supps, mythic supps etc...) in my warehouse and inventory? Should i just sell them or keep them for now?

I know that some of the things will get exchanged or something... but I am not sure what to do with them. You see... it's a big dilemma for me..??

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27 minutes ago, Bryos-DN said:

The supplements, try getting them sold to a merchant.

If only NC could uncap us just for one week, as a special event. Broke and loaded with junk that could sell for decent kinah right before 6.2 when we need to spend and more often than not waste tons of kinah on fat enchantment fees. Pretty please? 

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2 hours ago, Bryos-DN said:

The supplements, try getting them sold to a merchant. The rest, you can keep them.


1 hour ago, Afterglow-KT said:

If only NC could uncap us just for one week, as a special event. Broke and loaded with junk that could sell for decent kinah right before 6.2 when we need to spend and more often than not waste tons of kinah on fat enchantment fees. Pretty please? 

I wish for this as well but...

Mmmmmm...mehh... nvr mind..?

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