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Weekly Luna box for 6.X


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If you kept the bundle you get from the chest itself (you haven't selected the manastone bundle in it yet), you will more than likely get it to convert into the new rewards. Those should be the new grades of enchantment stones and other similar items.

However, if you check the contents day 1 of 6.2 and it hasn't been updated, I'd recommend waiting a week or contacting support saying your rewards don't match the reward board, because this could be part of an early bug (I've seen luna rewards offer 5.8 items instead of 6.2 ones despite what was marked on the rewards list on a different server, so just keep that in mind and keep the bundle unopened until it gets fixed).

If you selected the manastone bundle already, your best bet is to sell those manastones asap because they will be worth nothing in 6.2.

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