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What is this nc? - Code red event


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2 minutes ago, Vantheria-IS said:

Hey, come on now, that's a very valuable pot for the level 15 players all over! :P Granted, we're given like 500 of them for free at the low levels, but still!

Maybe they're trying to target all kinds of players with these events!

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What it is is that these "Devs" we have can't even spend 10 mins to review the events they implement before they do. Why? Because they make more money on BoS and MXM so we're not worth anything to them. I wonder if Korea knows how crappily they manage this game? Probably not. Everything they do now half-assed at best.Why don't we have a date for the server merges that they've delayed now three times? And is code red going to be running till this happens? In the past code red has always ran till we have an update which I think was the point of  running it this time was to give us some "good" free stuff so the sting is not as bad when we all lose our houses and ranks. But no we get free pots that aren't worth anything but at least the scrolls are still valid. SMH.

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There was an event in patch 3 or 4 where we could get potion bundles which gave us abyss hp&mp pot (later combined into 1 pot) and greater healing pot. Wish NC could replace recent pots from code red to these bundles. My main still have 600 abyss pots from that event until now, but my alts need those and I'm sure we all need those

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