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@Hime @Cyan Attack formulas!!?


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My friend and I wanted to see what was the difference between our old gears and the new ones so we decided to test our damage vs monsters in open world/dungeons. We were confused on what were the difference between Weapon Damage and Physical Attack/Magical Attack and after testing difference stuff we figured that Weapon Damage was for auto-attacks. Thinking that Physical attack would be for skills damage, we were surprised to find that no matter what was our Physical Attack/Magical Attack, the skill damage on monsters were still the same. 

First Video compares old weapon with new weapon. 657 Physical Attack (old weapon) vs 1826 Physical Attack (new weapon). Body Smash/Blood Pact chain do almost always the same damage 496 > 518 > 518


Second Video compares new weapon with gears vs new weapon without gears. 1826 Physical Attack vs 1210 Physicical Attack. Body Smash/Blood Pact chain still does almost the same damage 496 > 518 > 518.


Third Video comapres old weapon (Greatsword) vs Shadow Wraith Odachi (Skin Greatsword). 778 Weapon damage/41 Physical Attack vs 18 Weapon Damage/41 Physical Attack. Notice how the auto-attacks damage are higher with a higher weapon damage but the skill damage using the Shadow Wraith Odachi iwith Body Smash/Blood Pact chain is still 496 > 518 > 518.


I don't know if this only affect low lvl players though. Also, you can notice that with our without gears, monsters seems to hit the same damage on me.

Thank you!

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some guy made a video in this where the formulas are present. I don't remember neither the video nor the guy but I remember this:

Till your physical/magical attack is lower than the monsters defense you do the base skill dmg. When you exceed that defense you do higher dmg. let me clarify on 2 examples: (each magical/physical are calculated separately also depending on the type of skill)

monster defense is higher than your attack: you do base skill dmg

monster defense is lower than your attack: you do higher than base skill dmg

Also note I'm not talking about the 1st number which is for basic attack, talking about the stat under it (physical attack/magical attack)

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1 hour ago, Magistone-KT said:

some guy made a video in this where the formulas are present. I don't remember neither the video nor the guy but I remember this:

Till your physical/magical attack is lower than the monsters defense you do the base skill dmg. When you exceed that defense you do higher dmg. let me clarify on 2 examples: (each magical/physical are calculated separately also depending on the type of skill)

monster defense is higher than your attack: you do base skill dmg

monster defense is lower than your attack: you do higher than base skill dmg

Also note I'm not talking about the 1st number which is for basic attack, talking about the stat under it (physical attack/magical attack)

I think I saw that video before too. Problem is that we did try that on monsters lower than our lvl (they were lvl 41)  later too and it was still the same. Even on lvl 1 dummy, we're hitting lower that what it says on the skill info.

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1 hour ago, Magistone-KT said:

some guy made a video in this where the formulas are present. I don't remember neither the video nor the guy but I remember this:

Till your physical/magical attack is lower than the monsters defense you do the base skill dmg. When you exceed that defense you do higher dmg. let me clarify on 2 examples: (each magical/physical are calculated separately also depending on the type of skill)

monster defense is higher than your attack: you do base skill dmg

monster defense is lower than your attack: you do higher than base skill dmg

Also note I'm not talking about the 1st number which is for basic attack, talking about the stat under it (physical attack/magical attack)


Here is this video. I haven't tried these yet but i'll post asap bout that later on

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Here's my version of the formulas (WIP):


And my damage calculation research spreadsheet:


Do you have less (Physical Attack + PvE Attack) than the monster's Physical Defense? in that case your effective Physical Attack will be 0.

Since 6.21 a few of the monster (usually physical oriented), including lowbie areas, have more physical defense than the physical attack that can be gained from campaign/quest gears, nullifying all of your physical attack stats.

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