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[Old Forums/Repost] 4.8 Skill Rotations [Ranger]


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Original Thread by Miyano.


This is to help New and Struggling Rangers Figure out Rotations for better DPS, and PVP play with 4.8

Please Post Rotations and what its mostly used for, Please keep things simple, People can figure out everything else for ranger from all the other Threads out there, such as weaving, jump shot, slide shot, Ping, manastones etc.

DPS Rotation usually used for PVE
Agonizing arrow
Stunning shot / Rupture
Explosive arrow
Shackle Arrow
Holy Arrow
Unerring Arrow
Gale Arrow - Gale arrow can go here or Before Stunning shot both ways work out well.
Swift Shot chain - if you dont need as much mana control switch this to Arrow strike Chain instead of Mana Chain For Max damage. this is in skills tab/chains
Dead shot
Entangling Shot
Arrow Deluge - around here is when you start to get your CD's back unless super fast then you should get through spread shot.
Spread shot
Arrow storm - really only when needed meaning 3 or more mobs like in IS or everything is on CD's


Pvp Rotations are going to be hard to give because every fight is different with different classes and situations but basic understanding will be here.

A Rotation Used for Pvp
Lead with 
Lightning arrow Or Silence followed by lightning depending on the person.
Heart Shot
Stunning shot
Rupture arrow
Silence if you didnt use it for the start
Gale Arrow if you need to chase, but if they want to fight and you want to sure win Sleep Arrow here, they should be about 50% life or less for sure win. note if you are going to sleep here try to use silence in the start so its up at the end of sleep.

you have time... Buff up, Get life back if you need, and wait for cds. scroll over the sleep arrow icon if need to know how long is left.

Traps are different for each person and what you want to bury im going to go with silence for this simply because it hurts everyone in some way, and is the easiest to get off.

Nimble Fingers
Poison trap
Sky Bound, id say 60% of the time you stun them with the initial burst and they stunbreak it so this ends them bad, if they don't its more of a slight delay.
Propelling Trap if you arnt going to move.

most everything should be ready to use, Burn them.
Lightning arrow
Heart shot
Stunning shot
Rupture arrow
Explosive arrow
Shackle Arrow
Holy Arrow
Unerring Arrow
Gale Arrow 
Entangling shot
spread shot

If you cant burst them fast enough and fall into trouble you can sleep trap which is 1 second cast which lasts 4 seconds which should give you time to get away, if rooted Fient out, and retreating slash off a mob and heal up with pots.


There are many different ways to play Ranger, what makes it so fun. I hope these Rotations help some of you newer rangers, and helps you find your play style.



Nemsenpai on magic classes and silence bury:


Lead with Sleep Arrow > Without Nimble Fingers use Sandstorm Trap > Propelling Trap> Wait 1 second and use Poison Trap > Silence Arrow > Stun Shot/Rupture > Entangling Shot > Propelling Trap blows up > Nuke. At any point in this you can use Shackle if they're moving away from you.

Back to stigmas,


 XxSuckerPunchXx - Israphel
So what is the best stigma build for rangers in pvp? Since the update I am not sure what is the best to use.



Cant say whats best for everyone. People have different play styles, but these are effective Stigma builds that I have used.

For pure dps PvE I have one as
Agonizing arrow
Explosive arrow
Gale arrow
Focus Shots
Bow of Blessing
Arrow deluge

Pvp I use this alot, its fun.
Lightning arrow
Heart Shot
Gale arrow
Focus shots
Bow of Blessing
Sky Bound Trap

Pvp with Dilation instead of SkyBound
Lightning arrow
Heart Shot
Gale arrow
Focus shots
Bow of Blessing
Dilation arrow

Pvp Burst/Pve - fun to use, but timing with this is everything , Agonizing hits so hard and fast but if used wrong it will ruin everything with that Crap DoT it puts on, it should really be potable so we can use it for a bury...
Agonizing arrow
Explosive arrow
Gale arrow
Focus Shots
Bow of Blessing
Dilation or Skybound

But again these depend on your play style. I know some people are more defensive and use Natures which is an amazing skill now too..



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