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Can't Craft for Alts


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Well, I have a better idea. I can just walk away once I'm bored. Which seems to be inevitable considering the limitations placed on this game. Alts help extend my enjoyment of the game, but if the "Korean Overlords" deem alts anathema then I will just have to eventually get my enjoyment from somewhere else.

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Sounds like a plan.

I'm sorry if this sounds harsh, but if you check the forums you will find this same question asked over and over. "Why was <xxx> changed?!" How are any of us supposed to know? And it isn't like the Devs are going to answer. It's not like the devs have ever seen our forums. We get what we get. We can post and say, "I don't really like the change where crafting mats aren't account tradeable" and Cyan or Hime can add that to the growing list of things people don't like and send it to Korea, but 99.999% sure the devs will smile and nod and continue to do what they want to do.

If this is the straw that breaks your Aion camel's back, so be it. Everyone reaches or will reach that point at some point.

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2 hours ago, Nzinga-EK said:

Someone please explain to me why we are unable to place any of our crafting items into our account warehouse? Are alts officially discouraged in this game? Is there some legitimate reason for this restriction?

My theory is that they want us to use the broker to trade items between characters. Inconvenience aside, the ~14% fee that we have to pay for any transaction is a very powerful kinah sink, which I think is the whole point of items being brokerable but not tradeable. If I'm correct, it's a very questionable move on the devs' part, but I'm not Korean so what do I know...

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Simple, they assume we will spend the time and kinah to level all alts in crafting - they think it will keep us playing longer because we MUST finish that alt. They don't get American mentality of free enterprise and helping your neighbor. I assume it's every man for himself in Korea, no one helps anyone for any reason. Horrible place to live and, unfortunately, they design games that way too.

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1 hour ago, Kailor-DN said:

I assume it's every man for himself in Korea, no one helps anyone for any reason. Horrible place to live and, unfortunately, they design games that way too.

Everything about this is wrong. Are you seriously disrespecting an entire culture just because you disagree with how they choose to make their games? Have you seen how divided Americans are today, if not due to politics, then due to ethnicity, religious beliefs, or sexual orientation? Koreans are far more cohesive than Americans. Also, a majority of South Korea's infrastructure is significantly better than America's outside of a select few major cities. You make yourself look bad by making assumptions.

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5 minutes ago, Forgotten-DN said:

Everything about this is wrong. Are you seriously disrespecting an entire culture just because you disagree with how they choose to make their games? Have you seen how divided Americans are today, if not due to politics, then due to ethnicity, religious beliefs, or sexual orientation? Koreans are far more cohesive than Americans. Also, a majority of South Korea's infrastructure is significantly better than America's outside of a select few major cities. You make yourself look bad by making assumptions.

Not disrespecting at all, simply stating how I perceive the culture based on what I have seen of their work. If you're raised that way, it's just how it is and, you're taught it's good. You just may not know how other cultures are in regard to the same ideas. Apparently in Korea helping someone else get ahead is bad, where as it's good here in America.

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Back in my 6.0 thread from January I already mentioned a few times that the patch is very alt unfriendly. I believe this has something to do with KR’s subscription model shifting to f2p, applying so many restrictions seems to be an “attempt” to hinder bots from ruining the economy (and I say this loosely though), like making a lot of things untradeable or unstorable in the wh/acc wh. Dual clienting was disabled in KR with the patch as well. This should give you an idea why is it like so, but you can still play your alts. If you want to trade stuff to your alt, you can try through broker (but I don’t recommend it).

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19 hours ago, Nzinga-EK said:

Are you this forum's manager? Is it your job to act as a gatekeeper on this forum, or did you just take this position upon yourself? I would like to know, since then I can decide if I feel it is best to just ignore you from now on when I seek an answer to legitimate questions.

Ignore her and Shirayuki. They are known NCSoft white knights.

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