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So...they still got a buff defending?


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6 minutes ago, Doll-KT said:

I'd like to just leave this here 'cause I found it funny.


You haven't had forts in 4 days. FOUR DAYS and you're already boohoo'n this hard.

We didn't have them for 3 weeks. THREE WEEKS.

So it's alright for us to go through that for 3 weeks but it's not alright for you to go through that for 4 days? Yikes.

(bold and color in case you miss the point)

You're mixing up two different things: the buff/loss because of buff AND the current GP reward system which doesn't give any hope or chance to move up the ranks no matter how diligently you siege. If you're not a veteran, you can perform your best in every siege, and you will still tumble down the ranks. But that is discussed in another topic. Acheillies specifically even states that he DOESN'T care about the buff, and yet here you are, posting his quote in the Buff QQ thread. #asmologic xD

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I'm so glad I didn't pick elyos as a faction cuz damn... Y'all really that upset not getting a fort for a few days... Been times when I played when we couldn't get the top abyss forts to farm for more medals to try and gear. Yet y'all have them forever and still are doing something wrong. Not enough bounty towels to wipe up your tears.

What is the perk to having the fort just courious.

I'ma just be nice and say y'all are just big babies instead of doing **** insults. Cyan will just lock it because everyone here is a marshmallow...

Honestly if they did do siege like pan it wouldnt work out because everyone has elyos and asmo accounts and people would just log in to just get in. I mean I don't get how y'all cant push us because we have more afks and alts then real players. Seriously was in an alliance where 3 toons were the same name just changed a little... Guess elyos has all the females. Jajajaja just an FYI remember there's no more augment so don't be scared to push and die!!!! I do it now with my gold +5 vs nerds with legendary enchanted and higher. Give me your gear. I'll show you how to use it.


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On 11/17/2018 at 8:23 PM, Acheillies-KT said:

no shit, which means, it will just be reversed, the longer you hold the fort, we will have a higher buff if and when we do take it back, so still no "balance" just tipped the other way...


This is only because the buff was broken the first few weeks of the patch. If it had been working, the loosing side would have been slowly getting better stats with each loss and probably would have squeaked out a victory before the buff reached its current level. So it only feels like the balance was completely flopped because the buff was going up but not actually turned on until now.

The buff will fall with each successful defense until the more powerful side is able to overcome the buff at a smaller level. That's when you will reach an equilibrium. 

And if something happens to the more powerful faction (people quit or transfer), you will find them with a buff in order to balance things out.

On 11/17/2018 at 8:23 PM, Tyd-KT said:

tbh this buff does balance sieges more.  Without it not a chance Asmos would of ever seen the fort we simply cannot compete with 2 to 3 times the numbers.  Also the pvp attack etc was only double today.  Instead of me having normally about 2.4 K had 4.5 for siege.  So saying it failed completely is simply untrue as for to many years 1 faction or the other dominated sieges and this at least allows the dominated faction due to numbers to at least compete

I'm with Tyd. Having been on the short end of the numbers-stick in Aion first on Kaisinel, New Vizal and then Israphel, I have watched the devs trying everything in their power to level the playing field for factions. They tried freezing character creation, incentives, special deals on the BCM, 24/7 global buffs, lowering the HP of the powerful faction's gates and even popping in in person (NA staff) to hand give a siege buff to the weaker faction. This type of siege buff is the first thing I have seen actually work to balance out a number's imbalance.

Currently it is working against the faction I am maining and yet I can still say that I believe 100% that it is fair and the best thing for the health of the game.

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PvP Attack (6.0 stat) adds its value to your Physical Attack (6.0 stat) and Magic Attack (6.0 stat) when you attack other players.

PvP Defense (6.0 stat) adds its value to your Physical Defense (6.0 stat) and Magic Defense (6.0 stat) when attacked by other players.

PvE Attack (6.0 stat) adds its value to your Physical Attack (6.0 stat) and Magic Attack (6.0 stat) when you attack monsters.

PvE Defense (6.0 stat) adds its value to your Physical Defense (6.0 stat) and Magic Defense (6.0 stat) when attacked by monsters.

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7 hours ago, Aly-DN said:

I'm with Tyd. Having been on the short end of the numbers-stick in Aion first on Kaisinel, New Vizal and then Israphel

And then you ran away from Israphel Asmo to reroll Kahrun Asmo, abandoning your own faction when it was at its weakest state.

I remember back on the old forums how you frequently posted about how you hated the Israphel Elyos for dominating Israphel Asmo by using their superior numbers. Man the irony when you realize that not only did you abandon IS-A (thus further depriving them of numbers) but you joined a faction (KR-A) that ended up dominating KR-E with superior numbers as well.

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On 11/17/2018 at 7:23 PM, Acheillies-KT said:

no shit, which means, it will just be reversed, the longer you hold the fort, we will have a higher buff if and when we do take it back, so still no "balance" just tipped the other way...


Before the addition of these buff there were times the smaller faction (usually asmos) would go 6 months with no fort.    In 4.0 Incoming held Silona(i think) for a year before it was finally taken by the Elyos.  A buff DOES balance things out.

I remember when we had to grind fort guards for AP because getting ap from the instances was like a far off dream.

Right now the faction with the most numbers wins unless there is a buff and even then the smaller faction has to fight hard but at LEAST it's not 6 months being deprived of content.

I understand it's frustrating when sieges don't go the way you want but please try and see the other side's perspective.  It's been a month and the Asmo influence was 0% for a large portion of it.  You have to allow for some ebb and flow of influence otherwise people end up quitting because it's not fun to be on the losing side 100% of the time.

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21 minutes ago, Matsukamy-KT said:

NC should make panesterra a thing again, and focus more on that than these forts, since in panesterra all numbers are equal.

Limit the numbers of panesterra forts to 2, and then you have 6 factions fighting for it.

The majority miss out most weeks. Splendid idea. I know i can click fast enough but there are many out there that can not.

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On 11/17/2018 at 8:44 PM, Cyan said:

I know faction stuff is always a heated discussion but please keep it civil. The buff will go up and down depending on how successful the faction is during siege. If you are unsuccessful, you'll get +1 to the level of the buff. If you are successful you will get -1 to the level of the buff. The text seems to be bugged currently and only display it as level 1.

I dont think you have a nyerking clue how this works because the elyos have not been able to get it in over 2 weeks and the elyos has never got a buff, Of course we can't expect you to know how this game works since you are not a developer, just stick to what you are best at babysitting the forums and STFU

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2 hours ago, Crazytrain-KT said:

I dont think you have a nyerking clue how this works because the elyos have not been able to get it in over 2 weeks and the elyos has never got a buff, Of course we can't expect you to know how this game works since you are not a developer, just stick to what you are best at babysitting the forums and STFU

KT Elyos had the fort since launch and lost it when the buff was fixed. At that point, KT A had a level 5 buff. So each time the KT A defend, the buff steps down by 1. Once it reaches 0 neither side will have a buff. If at that point, KT Elyos still don't take the fort they will have a level 1 buff. 

Both sides can't have a buff. 

This is exactly the way the buff has worked since it was implemented and what Cyan was trying to explain.

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  • 1 month later...
  • Cyan locked and unlocked this topic
  • Aion Team

I've cleaned this thread up from the off-topic and severely non-constructive posts. We've had some reports over the last few weeks about the buff acting strange and we are investigating it with the devs, as far as the tool tips showing level 1 we've also reported that to devs and are awaiting a fix. 

Thank you. Let's keep the forums civil and constructive, please. 

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45 minutes ago, Heuo-DN said:

I understand the reason why its there but why does it need to last for weeks? It kills the motivation to come to siege.

I don't understand the question.

The way the buff works is this. First day both factions have no buff. If the Elyos lose the first night, the second night they will have a level 1 buff. If they lose the second night, they will have a level 2 buff. After the third and fourth and fifth loses, they would have the top buff of level 5. So now they win. So on the next siege, they would have a level 4. It's down by 1. If they win a second time, they have a level 3. If they lose with the level 3, the next time they have a level 4. The buff only moves up or down by one. Now.. we had a bit of a weird thing with the start of the buffs this patch because it was broken for weeks so it started at a 5.

So it doesn't last for a week. It goes up and down by 1 depending on wins and loses. If one faction has such a disadvantage (because of numbers or coordination or whatever), they may have some buff forever because they can't seem to win 5 sieges in a row so that they have no buff at all.

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14 minutes ago, Aly-DN said:

I don't understand the question.

The way the buff works is this. First day both factions have no buff. If the Elyos lose the first night, the second night they will have a level 1 buff. If they lose the second night, they will have a level 2 buff. After the third and fourth and fifth loses, they would have the top buff of level 5. So now they win. So on the next siege, they would have a level 4. It's down by 1. If they win a second time, they have a level 3. If they lose with the level 3, the next time they have a level 4. The buff only moves up or down by one. Now.. we had a bit of a weird thing with the start of the buffs this patch because it was broken for weeks so it started at a 5.

So it doesn't last for a week. It goes up and down by 1 depending on wins and loses. If one faction has such a disadvantage (because of numbers or coordination or whatever), they may have some buff forever because they can't seem to win 5 sieges in a row so that they have no buff at all.

Ok,nvm what I said about it lasting for weeks, someone told me it, he lied then.

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