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The fact that we can't trade directly between characters is so stupid. Oh feel like farming mats on an alt? Guess I'll have to dual box and trade on the broker and hope I don't get sniped....

What to help a legion mate out because they don't have billions of kinah or endless hours to farm the mats to level it? Nope, can't have them trade you mats to craft for them. 

The fact that we can't even trade to ourselves through the account warehouse is the dumbest shit this game has ever implemented. For the love of god fix the limitations on trading between characters.

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I agree Kinah and crafting mats/crafted items need to go in account warehouse. I get not trading otherwise but, on your own account on the same server?!?! Makes no sense, I don't have more if my alts have it or my main, doesn't matter, I have the same kinah and same mats/items regardless of which character they happen to be on at the moment.

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