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If you can get any archdavea skill for you class ?


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Here's my list

Sorc - Purification Melody - free mp for myself every 8sec plus dispel

SM - Summon: Punishment Energy  - 3k summon add a lot of DPS

Bard - lv 70 gunner skill - 10% pve attack + 10% attack speed perma why not ?

Sin - lv 70 gunner skill - 10% pve attack + 10% attack speed perma why not ?

Ranger - lv 70 gunner skill - 10% pve attack + 10% attack speed perma why not ?

Gunner - Summon: Punishment Energy  - 3k summon add a lot of DPS

Cleric - Protection Ward AoE shield +50% heal why not right ?

Chanter - lv 72 cleric skill - AoE heal  with 3s cd plus fast cast 20% unrejectable if any skill better

AT - lv 70 gunner skill - 10% pve attack + 10% attack speed perma why not ?

Glad - Bloodwind Slash 2.5k attack repeatable 3 times 8 sec and AoE ? it's best for glad

Templar - Mau Blessing attack speed + 26% plus physical attack 30%


Well that's my list thanks for reading :)

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