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Nc Will Kill Aion


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NC will kill the game.

How long until we wait for answers? It's ridiculous what you're doing. We have a community full of people wanting the good of the game and you @Cyan do not give due attention.

Average online players have dropped dramatically and what do you guys do? AN EVENT OF RIDICULOUS AND UNUSUAL SHIT.


Goodbye and good luck to anyone who stays

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23 minutes ago, Aly-DN said:

Que perguntas você está querendo responder?

Não discordando de você. Apenas se perguntem quais são essas perguntas que você sente que não têm e precisam ser respondidas. Talvez se uma lista abrangente for feita, o @Cyan pode encontrar respostas para nós.

Amazing are you GM anything like that? haha
to think that this Cyan will answer something is crazy, he and the company in general deserves this repudiation and everything else that can still be posted.

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Cyan is an employee who has superiors to answer to, and that tell him what he can and can't do. Flame me if you want idc, the problem is not the worker it is the management. No I do not know him at all, just have been in his position during my career and was my job to go face to face with the pissed customer. Only to be able to say what management wanted me to. 

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Cyan appears to delete topics and answer what is interesting to him.

If he shows up at least to justify some things, it would be fine ...
but does he hide and honestly will it be that the true owners of this will crucify him because he came to give explanations?

Do they say. Cyan between it and post maintenance and say nothing else.

It really would be a big shit I think anyone can do.
What the hell would this guy be in the company? What the hell is he doing in the Company ?.

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1 minute ago, MetalPhantomEvil-DN said:

You just know how to stay on their side, Aly? is an active player or just another one who gets his butt stopped in the city by farm comments here in the forum

I'm trying to help. Trying to pin down what questions need to be answered.

The OP said asked how much longer we have to wait for answers. Which begs the question.. what questions are we asking? The eye bug? Will they do something about the enchanting rate? When will they reduce the price of the power shards to bring them in line with other areas? What? Let's get a list so we can present them to Cyan and ask him to push for answers.

And you respond with.. I am someone that lives on a farm? Brilliant. That other person answers with there is no need to ask questions because they won't be answered.. but this thread asks for answers! 

Pull it together, people, and stop attacking people trying to help and focus things.

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2 minutes ago, Aly-DN said:

I'm trying to help. Trying to pin down what questions need to be answered.

The OP said asked how much longer we have to wait for answers. Which begs the question.. what questions are we asking? The eye bug? Will they do something about the enchanting rate? When will they reduce the price of the power shards to bring them in line with other areas? What? Let's get a list so we can present them to Cyan and ask him to push for answers.

And you respond with.. I am someone that lives on a farm? Brilliant. That other person answers with there is no need to ask questions because they won't be answered.. but this thread asks for answers! 

Pull it together, people, and stop attacking people trying to help and focus things.

has thousands of unanswered questions, just take a look at the forum. It's a shame that we players are past. Raising your hand on the GM's head does not help.

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9 minutes ago, Aly-DN said:

Estou tentando ajudar. Tentando definir quais perguntas precisam ser respondidas.

O OP disse perguntou quanto tempo mais temos que esperar por respostas. Qual implora a pergunta .. que perguntas estamos pedindo? O bug do olho? Eles farão algo sobre a taxa encantadora? Quando eles reduzirão o preço dos fragmentos de energia para alinhá-los com outras áreas? O que? Vamos pegar uma lista para que possamos apresentá-los a Cyan e pedir a ele que pressione por respostas.

E você responde com .. Eu sou alguém que mora em uma fazenda? Brilhante. Essa outra pessoa responde com não há necessidade de fazer perguntas porque elas não serão respondidas .. mas este tópico pede respostas! 

Junte as pessoas e pare de atacar pessoas tentando ajudar e concentrar as coisas.

Do you look familiar with Gms admins?
Are you satisfied with this?

I challenge you to post your questions and I want to see them answered,
I give you 3 hours.
So how about you friend of Gms admins post the questions?
Do for your playmates
Post with your nick Aly-DN to see if it will be answered, I doubt it will be
and as said above has many questions asked and no one answered, now post something about GM corrupt cheats to see if it does not turn out to erase quite fast.

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2 minutes ago, khaly-KT said:

Do you look familiar with Gms admins?
Are you satisfied with this?

I challenge you to post your questions and I want to see them answered,
I give you 3 hours.
So how about you friend of Gms admins post the questions?
Do for your playmates
Post with your nick Aly-DN to see if it will be answered, I doubt it will be
and as said above has many questions asked and no one answered, now post something about GM corrupt cheats to see if it does not turn out to erase quite fast.

I have no idea what you are going on about. I didn't post to say that I was quitting and saying that I was doing so because we have waited too long for answers. The OP did. In an attempt to pin this down and hopefully help @Cyan get these answers for us (since @MetalPhantomEvil-DN says there are "thousands"), I asked what the questions are. How is that a crazy thought?

It must be your English translation, but I am not understanding why you are attacking me or even how you are. Am I familiar? Do I know who they are? Sure. So do you. Am I satisfied with knowing who they are? Sure. Am I satisfied with the lack of transparency? No. I have posted many times to say that what Aion needs is -one- employee that works -only- on Aion. The fact that we share employees with the other games and Aion seems to get just a glance from most of them is not a good thing.

I don't have any burning questions that are making me quit the game. So not sure why you are challenging me. 3 hours? I doubt I can get you to stop attacking me and accusing me of living near farms (which I do, btw! It's a beautiful area. Thanks for asking.) and actually get a list of the questions you want answered in 3 hours, let alone get Cyan to look at them and hopefully get answers from those that actually make decisions at NCWest.

GM corruption? What is that all about? We had a case of someone from Support who handed gear to one player when they shouldn't have. Is that what you are referring to? Do you not believe Hime when she said there was only the one case? What follow up questions do you have on that and how could they satisfy you that there was only the one? 

It's all well and good to run around in circles and freak out. But if we want anything done or any answers, we have to actually ask the questions.

Yeah. I'm done trying to help. Continue to freak out and/or quit.


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You don't need a GM or CM to answer your questions, anybody can say "we have a fix in a future update so stay tuned".

I don't blame Cyan for doing his job, but the people behind the screen handling Aion (aka his superiors) sure do know how to nyerk people off. Hey, Tiamaranta's Eye all over again, eh?

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8 minutes ago, 2s30B77F-DN said:

Ela pode ter mais informações do que você, com certeza. Mas nós não sabemos disso até que você pare de ser teimoso e pergunte, não é?

Well, Aly-DN apparently defends the nyerking NC
  and 'the way it has a follower,

The issue is that the shit is there and who tries to defend the Company, will apologize but there is some problem, because to see all this general is complaining and trying to justify is crazy,

another because she would have more information than us? Does she pay more? Do you have direct contact with GM? if it's all right, I'll send you a list of private claims for him to hand over to the incompetent.

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1 minute ago, khaly-KT said:

Well, Aly-DN apparently defends the nyerking NC
  and 'the way it has a follower,

The issue is that the shit is there and who tries to defend the Company, will apologize but there is some problem, because to see all this general is complaining and trying to justify is crazy,

another because she would have more information than us? Does she pay more? Do you have direct contact with GM? if it's all right, I'll send you a list of private claims for him to hand over to the incompetent.

She's been around a long time, she does do research afairemember, she is close with people who are also aware.
I understand your distaste for her and some others around the forums, predominantly for reasons I won't touch on because I have nothing to personally do with it or them and haven't for years, but she is knowledgeable, to reiterate here before I need to again.

I'm just saying, the sense in declining to list your issues in a single, comprehensive list and instead dig in to argue with someone who is not actively, currently, trying to argue, is counter-productive to what you want to see, which is a cohesive, productive conversation. Remember, why would -ANYONE- want to answer someone who acts that way? Yeah, it should be a CM's job to communicate, but he also shouldn't have to scour the forums to look for all the bits of information you guys have left behind like breadcrumbs to a dookie-cookie sandwich... Doesn't make any sense.

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7 minutes ago, 2s30B77F-DN said:

She's been around a long time, she does do research afairemember, she is close with people who are also aware.
I understand your distaste for her and some others around the forums, predominantly for reasons I won't touch on because I have nothing to personally do with it or them and haven't for years, but she is knowledgeable, to reiterate here before I need to again.

I'm just saying, the sense in declining to list your issues in a single, comprehensive list and instead dig in to argue with someone who is not actively, currently, trying to argue, is counter-productive to what you want to see, which is a cohesive, productive conversation. Remember, why would -ANYONE- want to answer someone who acts that way? Yeah, it should be a CM's job to communicate, but he also shouldn't have to scour the forums to look for all the bits of information you guys have left behind like breadcrumbs to a dookie-cookie sandwich... Doesn't make any sense.

Look at the forums.  You obviously don't follow the forums or read them hence your name 2s30B77F.  There are multiple threads - known issue posted by Cyan, when will they fix enchantment rates?  When will they get rid of the hordes of bots outside the cities on Lakrum?  People asking about the long awaited event (no answers, just questions).  Just to name a few.

It's not about declining to list issues in a single, comprehensive list (there is not enough room on the forums), just read the forum threads and you'll see the issues.

The biggest issue is with player frustration since 6.2 came out and people leaving the game as this patch didn't fix anything, it broke everything.

I'm not saying that the GM are not doing their jobs, but they can't fix everything that needs to be fixed either, a lot of this is the developers of the game and the direction it is heading.


And then to insult us and slap us in the face with the crappiest event ever invented when most people look forward to the Snowball event...


Just amazing.

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10 minutes ago, Aly-DN said:

I have no idea what you are going on about. I didn't post to say that I was quitting and saying that I was doing so because we have waited too long for answers. The OP did. In an attempt to pin this down and hopefully help @Cyan get these answers for us (since @MetalPhantomEvil-DN says there are "thousands"), I asked what the questions are. How is that a crazy thought?

It must be your English translation, but I am not understanding why you are attacking me or even how you are. Am I familiar? Do I know who they are? Sure. So do you. Am I satisfied with knowing who they are? Sure. Am I satisfied with the lack of transparency? No. I have posted many times to say that what Aion needs is -one- employee that works -only- on Aion. The fact that we share employees with the other games and Aion seems to get just a glance from most of them is not a good thing.

I don't have any burning questions that are making me quit the game. So not sure why you are challenging me. 3 hours? I doubt I can get you to stop attacking me and accusing me of living near farms (which I do, btw! It's a beautiful area. Thanks for asking.) and actually get a list of the questions you want answered in 3 hours, let alone get Cyan to look at them and hopefully get answers from those that actually make decisions at NCWest.

GM corruption? What is that all about? We had a case of someone from Support who handed gear to one player when they shouldn't have. Is that what you are referring to? Do you not believe Hime when she said there was only the one case? What follow up questions do you have on that and how could they satisfy you that there was only the one? 

It's all well and good to run around in circles and freak out. But if we want anything done or any answers, we have to actually ask the questions.

Yeah. I'm done trying to help. Continue to freak out and/or quit.


And as MetalPhantomEvil said..just look around on the forums. Stop being blind or pretending to be blind. Almost every thread is about some issue or another and the vast majority of questions have gone unanswered.

Here's some examples of issues/explicit questions/implicit questions since you couldn't bother to look around:


An attempt at a comprehensive list of issues


Gear disparity thread which was created nearly 1 month ago. I also bumped this thread and still received no response.



Just take 5 minutes and look around a bit. There's dozens of threads like these with zero NCSoft response.


Also...I know people keep saying Cyan's just the messenger, but I hardly think posting approximately 5 times every week is doing a good job.

Additionally, I would also like to see his superiors/other NC employees respond. As someone pointed out, Gideon has only posted on the forums a TOTAL of 5 times (and his forum join date was in August 2017!)...c'mon now.


16 minutes ago, 2s30B77F-DN said:

She's been around a long time, she does do research afairemember, she is close with people who are also aware.
I understand your distaste for her and some others around the forums, predominantly for reasons I won't touch on because I have nothing to personally do with it or them and haven't for years, but she is knowledgeable, to reiterate here before I need to again.

I'm just saying, the sense in declining to list your issues in a single, comprehensive list and instead dig in to argue with someone who is not actively, currently, trying to argue, is counter-productive to what you want to see, which is a cohesive, productive conversation. Remember, why would -ANYONE- want to answer someone who acts that way? Yeah, it should be a CM's job to communicate, but he also shouldn't have to scour the forums to look for all the bits of information you guys have left behind like breadcrumbs to a dookie-cookie sandwich... Doesn't make any sense.

It doesn't take that long to compile a list of issues honestly. But if Cyan is incapable or too lazy to do that, see above...I posted an example of a thread that attempted to compile a list of issues. And it's not the only one. There were a few other threads too where posters attempted to list all the main issues.

6 minutes ago, FredFlintstone-DN said:

Look at the forums.  You obviously don't follow the forums or read them hence your name 2s30B77F.  There are multiple threads - known issue posted by Cyan, when will they fix enchantment rates?  When will they get rid of the hordes of bots outside the cities on Lakrum?  People asking about the long awaited event (no answers, just questions).  Just to name a few.

It's not about declining to list issues in a single, comprehensive list (there is not enough room on the forums), just read the forum threads and you'll see the issues.

The biggest issue is with player frustration since 6.2 came out and people leaving the game as this patch didn't fix anything, it broke everything.

I'm not saying that the GM are not doing their jobs, but they can't fix everything that needs to be fixed either, a lot of this is the developers of the game and the direction it is heading.


And then to insult us and slap us in the face with the crappiest event ever invented when most people look forward to the Snowball event...


Just amazing.

Hey don't lump me with that other numbers-letters name guy. We're not all the same :P



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