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We can't fix shit, SORRY


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Aion Dec. 12. scheduled maintenaince .Recorded and transcribed from NCWEST quarterly meeting.  We can't fix nothing. We have asked the devs nothing and their going to fix nothing. If you don't like the enchantment rates, don't enchant. We aren't trying to fix anything because we don't give a crap. Tell them the beating of playing AION will continue in its current state until player moral improves. (Spend more money) Actually just don't tell them anything. We like uninformed peasants.

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I dunno, all I know is that super low enchanting rate does not fly in the west. People who live in the west hate for their time to be wasted and all that enchanting system does is waste a lot of your time, hell, if you keep at it , waste your whole life and still not have +15. It wouldn't be a problem if everyone didn't have that exchange gear and they had low enchants like you. So , I just don't know, they seem to do a lot of things that just make absolutely no sense.

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