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New Enchanting System Changes


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Lately I've failed 8 out of my last 9 ultimate stones, it's nyerking infuriating to do all that work and have absolutely nothing to show for it. 3 of those on legendary gear at +14, 5 of those fail on +13 or +14 ultimate. Not to mention on average for me 80-120 ancient stones per ancient piece to +15. The rates are still awful and the morph recipe doesn't exactly help that much when all your shit breaks anyway. Why isn't there some diminishing return on repeat failure of enchantments? And don't throw some bullshit about progression or working for your gear at me. If you get carried by RNG you have to put in much less work than that guy that gets utterly shit on by RNG, it's stupid.

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Even with the 6.5 changes, the basic enchanting is still rather pathetic.

It's not hard to got though 100 stones on an ancient piece of PvP gear and still be stuck at +10.

You have to get it to +15 before you can promote it to legendary, and you have 17 pieces of gear to do.

You are lucky to get 100 ancient enchant stones from a weeks worth of doing camps and converting the crystals.

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I feel like they ninja rolled back the enchant rates back to their rates for 6.2.  @Cyan Do you mind checking this out for us, and giving us some actual transparency?  

The first week, the enchant rates were great, but now I'm trying to work on my chanter and get her gear to +15 ANCIENT, and I can't get anything to +11, much less even +12.  There's something wrong.  I've tested probably 100-200 stones between 3 pieces of gear, the highest I could get was +13 2x times.  I plussed several pieces that first week straight to +15 with only ancients and NO problems, and now it feels *exactly* the way it did before.  

And then the enchant rate for ult stones is busted too.  No comment on that either.  Just some communication and transparency would be awesome!  

I feel for the sake of new, returning or just plain behind players, that ancient and legendary gear shouldn't reset to +10 at failures between +11-14.  Also, the current enchant rate checked on, because a lot of people must be thinking what I'm pretty sure of atm.  

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On 09/02/2019 at 1:09 PM, GoToHellAndDie-KT said:

Cyan,would it be a possibility to lvl AF faster. I crafted 100 legendary scrolls only to go up by 7 points. Been farming for mats for i dont know how long and using a lot of kinah to get the scrolls. 

Use Berdin's 100% XP + Energy of Repose + Berdin's Lucky Star, 6 Scrolls = 1 Lvl.

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I also think there has been a ninja rollback to 6.2 enchant rates.

I managed to get 10 pieces of Ancient Vindicator PvP enchanted to +15 using about 40 Ancient enchant stones a piece.  All of a sudden in the past 2 weeks I can't get the next piece past +10 and I have used over 200 enchantment stones on it, including Legendary stones for the last couple of levels, and they always fail. Do you realize how hard it is to obtain that many stones?  I don't think it's just bad luck, after doing 10 pieces I know what luck feels like.

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me i have a way to know my current RNG for enchanting Ancient gear, from +10 and attempt it to +15 i would test it first with 10 ancient stones if you failed 7-10 times in a row in attempting to +11, you should stop right away and maybe try it next day or next week because your RNG is suck at that moment,

 but if you could easily get to pass to +12 with only few stones you should go for it straight to +15.

+10 failed/success/failed/success/success/failed/failed/success/success/success (Good RNG)

+10 failed/failed/failed/failed/failed/failed/failed/failed/success/failed/failed (Bad RNG)

my average enchanting of gear on every alt is X2 +15 gear per week, you just have to feel your RNG if it suck stop, if it's good then GO!

well just a tips to know your current RNG based on my experience nothing personal ^_^

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13 hours ago, Cyfur-EK said:

I also think there has been a ninja rollback to 6.2 enchant rates.

I managed to get 10 pieces of Ancient Vindicator PvP enchanted to +15 using about 40 Ancient enchant stones a piece.  All of a sudden in the past 2 weeks I can't get the next piece past +10 and I have used over 200 enchantment stones on it, including Legendary stones for the last couple of levels, and they always fail. Do you realize how hard it is to obtain that many stones?  I don't think it's just bad luck, after doing 10 pieces I know what luck feels like.

I Talked about this on the first pages.you should use legendary stones after +13. It may look more costly, but on long term isn't.

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17 hours ago, Matsukamy-KT said:

I Talked about this on the first pages.you should use legendary stones after +13. It may look more costly, but on long term isn't.

If you read my post properly you would know that is exactly what I am doing, let me quote it for you "including Legendary stones for the last couple of levels".  You would also note that I have successfully gotten 10 pieces of Vindicator PvP gear up to +15 in the past, but something has recently changed on EK at least. Over 300 ancient stones now plus dozens of legendary stones and I can't get a single piece up to +15 anymore.

Do you comprehend? Something has changed.


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8 hours ago, Cyfur-EK said:

Something has changed.

I've also wondered this myself. On the day they released the 6.5 enchantment rates, I got a total of NINE +12 ancient pieces to +15 and purified and then half of those to +11 legendary. Now I'm struggling to get all of my legendary pieces to +10 if they aren't already, and the ones that are +11, I struggle to get to +12/13.

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  • 2 weeks later...

My chanter got the Genesis Crystal PvP Boots up to Ultimate. The Wings are now at +14, although failed 3 ultimate stones from that point so far, the much bigger part missing is 300+ Fighting Spirit fragments and a few million AP.

My Spiritmaster is lacking AP to promote the +15 PvP Weapon. So meanwhile, since AP gain process is so slow, ended up +15ing PvE Bloodsworn Weapon and Chest armor instead.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Today I saw a cleric with 3 pieces of +15 ancient PvP gear equipped. Either he/she is lacking Fighting Spirit Fragments, AP, or both. And it costs AP to extract failure PvP crafted gears to make Fighting Spirit Fragments too.

You will lose AP whenever you get PKed by the enemy faction in the open world. Unless you are completely PvP geared, you will most likely end up with negative AP growth with your open world activities. The only reliable source of AP are timegated - 182,000 AP for losing a PvP instance, once per day (or 3 times on Sundays).

Abyss Rank Max AP loss on death
1st Kyu 434
1st Dan 652
2nd Dan 783
3th Dan 900
4th Dan 1036
5th Dan 1999
6th Dan 2199
7th Dan 2419
8th Dan 2661

And if you do sieges regularly in order to collect legendary PvP stones, you will end up with having block belts shoved against you, increasing your AP loss in open world while still being undergeared.

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