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Weekly Server Maintenance - February 20, 2019


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1 minute ago, Ksara-DN said:

Cyano is the person who carries and brings the information. He is a bridge between client and NCS. He needs to know everything that bothers the customer even when he can not help ... he can take our issues up.

I'm more than certain he knows all of this, but we don't know what's going on behind the screen.

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Unfortunately, the takes-hours-to-get-ncoin thing was going on pre-6.2, too. :/ We switched to buying NCoin codes off Amazon because at least it was near instant (unless purchasing the $100 ones, then there'd be a 5-20 minute delay).


And just block Valedia or stop responding to him. He's a really shitty attempt at a troll on DN-E.

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3 hours ago, Vantheria-DN said:


I don't think he's a troll. Just really dumb.

I want to give him the benefit of the doubt! :(


4 minutes ago, Melodiosa-KT said:

I do not know about you all but for me, I have more fun reading the forums than playing the game! :)

We need another big scandal or something to liven up the forums for a few days. :P

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timmain you and all others can use me to have fun however you wish but all i ask is that you speak the truth about me at all times and not spread lies about me just for cheap laughs because nothing upset me except for lies being spread about me.

timmain you are a beautiful woman and never change ok.

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forums i was at the northeast camp finishing up a quest and 2 sins joined up in a party and i did finish my quest but i stayed to help them out but on the way back there was an asmo which didnt atk us but was clearly just doing some mob quest and these 2 sins just attacked him/her for no reason so i am asking you guys to please stop attacking these asmos thats just farming and didnt atk first ty. on a personal note i felt bad because i stayed to help them but then they murdered this innocent asmo.

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ty for being on my side in this matter and please tell your guild members and friends that they need to understand that even as elyos and asmodians we dont share this hate for each other because its just another person that is just trying to enjoy the pve aspect of the game until their ready for the pvp part.

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6 hours ago, Valedia-DN said:

ty for being on my side in this matter and please tell your guild members and friends that they need to understand that even as elyos and asmodians we dont share this hate for each other because its just another person that is just trying to enjoy the pve aspect of the game until their ready for the pvp part.

Wait. Aren't you the guy that flips his nyerk over players that have both Elyos and Asmodian accounts? Suddenly you have all of this "respect" for other players' play style?


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Aly i dont mean to correct one who's not dumb, but having an asmodian and elyos is not considered a play style but more so a choice. A play style is how you play the class be it an asmodian or elyos and the post you responded to is not about me being against having both it was about me adding 2 other elyos and they attacked an asmodian while he or she was just farming minding his or her own business.

what does the word presumptuous mean.

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Ahh. Because you personally don't like it, then it isn't a legit way to play the game. You are the arbiter of what is alright and what isn't. You are the Higher Authority of Aion. You are the sole judge, jury and executioner of ways to play this game. And here I thought that players were allowed to decide that for themselves.

Because you and only you has pronounced that wanting to experience both points of view of the game and wanting to enjoy both populations as wrong, players that do so should be loudly and publicly condemned. By the same token those players that want to PvP in a PvPvE game are equally wrong by your sole judgement and should be shamed on the forums for doing so. Oddly enough, both play styles.. both -choices-.. allow for empathy towards our fellow players on the other side, but only one of those fits your arbitrary definition of "right".

Thanks for clearing that up.

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