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SM or SW in pvp


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It depends on your ping situation and whether you have a good transformation contract.

I have both at level 80 with the SM being slightly more geared using ancient Vindicators.

SM:  depends on how much frustration you can tolerate.  If I am not mistaken, pet spec is totally useless and the bodyguard does not block as much as before.  I have died a few times fighting people with the bodyguard on and still skills/magic goes through.

         Using Spirit Empowerment is very irritating as you need to keep refreshing it every 1 minute.  I don't know how other SMs tolerate the constant upkeep of this skill as there are so many other items to look out for:  Spirit Empowerment 1 minute, food & drink 9 minutes, your stone skin 4 minutes, your transform 5 - 6 minutes - you would always keep looking out for all these buffs while trying to PvE and PvP

         If the transform is no good, well... your big hitting skills like Infernal Pain, Cyclone will feel very very slow.

         For some weird reason, I seem to end up facing the opposite faction on my SM and they always want to try their luck with me.  Don't ask me why.  I had ATs trying to dps me while i was just minding my own business, Glads trying to come after me even though I already feared him 3 times, clerics coming after me, chanter coming after me (and after fearing him he runs away).  At least there IS something you can do against these people even with ping that is never less than 200 ms


SW:  Easier to run around using your magic skills.  I feel the skills are not as powerful as an SM unless you are using the charging skills.  However one cannot really use charging skills during a pvp fight unless you happen to get the person slept.  You definitely don't need to think much about potions.  Healing skills are still very slow with long animations.  

        What i don't like about the class are the charging skills which can only be used as an opener in PvE and the skills where you need to stop and cast then move.  Makes me feel like i'm lurching during the fight.   I think in 6.5? 7.0? they are going to bump up the charge skills' damage but to me that's rather a useless upgrade since you can't really use it in PvP

        Transform contracts specially for SW is almost non existent.  There are atk speed transforms (and notice; none of them reach the level of casting speed transforms unless they are legendary ones) but they are always combined with casting speed and many of these types of transforms are a combo of physical and magical unlike for classes with casting speed.  For them, they can get pure magical stats from the transforms.

        I use the black cat transform due to the 18% atk speed but i don't get any advantage apart from that as its meant for physical classes. 

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Since levelling is easier in 6.x, you can level both.  One of them may be an alt which you can use him as a kinah mule or materials mule.

Or, if you are the loner sort of person, then SM is for you.  If you are a social person, then SW will be more for you since that class does alot more supporting the group than SM.

Or, If you are a control freak in real life or like to micro manage things then the SM is more suited to you.

Or, If your ping is high but you have an aggressive streak in you, then the SM is more suited to you coz i myself find that even with a ping that is never below 200 ms, i can still kill people with my SM but not with other classes.

Or, If your ping is high but you still want to help people, then the SW is more for you (but of course you still want to look good smacking people around!)  

Or, If you are feeling frustrated coz you are pvping but doing only 200 dmg, then SM will likely be more suited to you.  Even if you can't do damage, you still can slow, silence, fear and remove buffs on people.  Do this often enough and the other faction will come after you 

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I'm not sure about solo PVP but for group PVP the answer will always be SM. Sure SW's can be annoying but nothing equals the frustration of knowing you would've been able to win a fight had you/your whole team not been graped 9723958634 times.

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49 minutes ago, Doll-KT said:

 nothing equals the frustration of knowing you would've been able to win a fight had you/your whole team not been graped 9723958634 times.

TRUUUUUTH LMAO. One time we had two SMs against us in ID, and they were timing their fears perfectly with each other. The rest of the group was t.rash, but we still lost. Wanted to gouge our own eyes out bahaha.

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21 minutes ago, Vantheria-DN said:

TRUUUUUTH LMAO. One time we had two SMs against us in ID, and they were timing their fears perfectly with each other. The rest of the group was t.rash, but we still lost. Wanted to gouge our own eyes out bahaha.

We've had that happen in OW pvp. 6-8 Elyos with 2 SM's vs 3-4 of us. Fearshrek, fearshrek, grape, grape, grape, grape, grape, grape, grape............................. %*&$%^#*&$%^.

There's like one actually good SM in KT-E (ok, there might be two but one of them hasn't been legit in the past so, yeah.) so dying to any other group with shitty SM's is annoying af.

really hate SM's. Unless they're in my group, then I try to protect it with my life.

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