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So i downloaded Aion yesterday and finished this 6 in the morning ive been stuck on "Replace me" thingy everytime i opwn a server and choose a race theress red thing with replace me on it and then crash with sendlog and 'Aionclient has stopped working" everytime i run out of ideas i dont know what todo i delete texture file data etc. And repair it but its still happening i forgit how i fixed it back in 2017 but niw it has replace me thinf and then crash with sendlog and aion clien has stoppes working Anyone can help? Im stuck for 12 hours

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  • Update your graphics card driver.
  • This could have something to do with if you are running 32 or 64 bit client. For 32 bit, Options/System Settings has a box we can check.
  • Change/Lower Aion's graphic settings at start up screen, Apply, and re-boot client.


This link may be helpful too: https://board.en.aion.gameforge.com/index.php/Thread/220-FAQ-List-of-known-technical-problems-and-their-solutions/?postID=2540#post2540

That link is for EU, not NA, I wish I could help more.


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