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Templars current status


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Hello everybody and possibly former/old templars within this community, I'm opening this thread to ask about the current status of templars pvp wise, if there is any old school templar around or people that actually pvped with one and have a high knowledge regarding the class that could give me some feedback about it, i would really appreciate it, i stopped playing right after 6.0 launch due to the huge nerf hammer we recieved, that and the ugly transformation system, been playing templar and glad basically since the first day i stepped this game back in 2k11 and i kinda feel like i want to give this game one last try since i have nothing else to play right now, so with this being said, what is the current status of templars? Are they doing any good? If not, are we going to recieve any sort of buff or improvements in the future? I know glads got hella strong after 6.0 but i have always been more into temp, i recently got that itching of wanting to try aion one last time after watching some old pvp videos on youtube, also, i know the game isn't in it's best moment, a lot have changed, I'm completely aware of that so if you guys can avoid negative comments about things that i already know, i will appreciate that too :)

Sasha / Akasha KT- E

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Wow you're still playing lol, alright so i just got one last question to see whether it's worth giving a shot or just move on, how hard it is to get those new daevanion skills? Can they be obtained via farming or are they just cash shop based ( i don't mind spending here and there as long as it's profitable and i don't have to do it always) 

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