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Stay Cute is recruiting Asmodian's on Katalam!


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Greetings Daeva's!

Stay Cute is a growing legion on Katalam within the Asmodian faction, whom are looking to recruit new and amazing members. We are recently founded, but our community is comprised of veteran's who have been playing the game since day one and new members alike. We are willing to accept anyone who has a passion for the game, and is striving to achieve success in both PVP and PVE scenarios. Experience is not required, regardless if you have been play for the past 10 years, or only 10 days... It hardly matters to us, and we are willing to teach those who ask for it. What we are concerned with however, is finding additional loyal members who we can trust to embrace our core vale: Striving for excellence in all aspects of the game.

  • Active Hours:
  1. Monday-Friday: 5PM-12AM Eastern Standard Time
  2. Weekends: Avctivity is at its highest, with us being on earlier and later then previously listed. (Hours are subject to change as we group, and collect members across various different time zones.)
  • Our official spoken language is English.
  • Discord is REQUIRED for membership, as we are highly social, and are looking for the same in others.
  1. Mic's are optional, but it would be best if we could communicate to you through voice.

It is our intent to be a respected legion among the Aion Community. If you have a drive for PVP, and are willing to be apart of something building from the ground up, then please contact either myself, or any of my officers for potential recruitment:

  • Eupheria
  • Clenz
  • FatAlbert
  • Envio


  • Discord: Cupcake#0467
  1. You are most welcomed to add me as a friend if you have any questions, or just want to talk in further depth.
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