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Weekly Server Maintenance - May 29, 2019


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  • Aion Team

There will be a scheduled maintenance Wednesday, May 29, 2019 from 6:00 a.m. CDT / 11:00 CET to 9:15 a.m. CDT / 14:15 CEST. The game servers will be unavailable for approximately 3 hours and 15 minutes.


  • Routine website and server maintenance
  • The Shugo Emperor's Vault event will continue for one more week.
  • The following boosts will remain active on all servers until June 5, 2019.
    • EXP +200%
    • Drop +100%
    • AP +100%
    • Crafting +100%
  • An issue where the Lakrum Base GP quest and the weekly PvP quest had the wrong Daily/Weekly tags.
    • These will be swapped in a future patch so the base capture quests are weekly and the PvP quest are daily.
  • Various text and localization issues have been fixed.


Be sure to follow @AionOps for server updates.

Maintenance Images of the Week

jiwhkzez5qz21.jpg vn0jzi5s5sz21.png ak1emukk5lz21.jpg?width=960&crop=smart&a

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3 minutes ago, Cyan said:


  • An issue where the Lakrum Base GP quest and the weekly PvP quest had the wrong Daily/Weekly tags.
    • These will be swapped in a future patch so the base capture quests are weekly and the PvP quest are daily.

Thank you!

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  • Aion Team
1 minute ago, Pita-EK said:

wow 3 hours to change the text  a m a z i n g!

Most of the downtime for games are not due to the actual content being pushed out. Many times the games (and account services) require a rather large infrastructure to operate. If something that runs the account login systems requires or updating then that requires the game to be down longer as well. 

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Cyan you guys really need to take a good look on how the EU promotion-er doing their job on BCM everything looks so good  , you want money we give money :D but for for those  stupid 3400 NC coin for some ancient stones , we need something like what EU  have in BCM or event why NA  have such bad events? i just don't get why we getting some pointless event all the time . like double exp ap loot rate those are 3.0 patch event and you guys bring it  up at 6.5 /6.7 patch we good surprises :D

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9 hours ago, Cyan said:

Most of the downtime for games are not due to the actual content being pushed out. Many times the games (and account services) require a rather large infrastructure to operate. If something that runs the account login systems requires or updating then that requires the game to be down longer as well. 

Smartest thing i think ive ever seen you say in these forums cyan.........glad to see you guys fixing lots of things.....keep it up.......also am i the only one who thinks its still rediculously hard to craft pve stones vs pvp stones......im just saying pve stones are still pretty hard to get....

also am i the only one who thinks they should let have the painter class early? i saw some videos of the painter class being added before the 7.0  update....is there any word on this cyan...some of us are really excited to see a new class


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8 minutes ago, Zets-DN said:

lol, I reread it and it didn't seem like it to me xD

@Cyan Ty for the name change ticket! <3

I'm pretty derp. I'm sorry. xD That's what I get for reading the forums while waiting for a bunch of USB drives to process!

Just so used to people asking for free stuff and asking Cyan for free stuff that I thought you'd maybe confused the free plastic surgery ticket for a name change ticket. DX

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12 minutes ago, Juju-EK said:

Not sure why you keep posting that because the rewards are still terrible. Are you actually that anxious to buy 3 ingots a day for 500 days in a row?

No one would do that lol. Those rewards would be for people who were high ranking and, due to the reset, now have hundreds or even thousands of gold ingots.

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