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Npc removed?

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22 minutes ago, IGhost-DN said:

Hello, is gusetbloom removed? If yes, what am I do to get guestpetal? @Cyan

They are gone and have been since the beginning of 6.x. You can get guestpetals by finding someone that still has old guestblooms and feeding them.

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1 minute ago, Aly-DN said:

They are gone and have been since the beginning of 6.x. You can get guestpetals by finding someone that still has old guestblooms and feeding them.

Really baaaaad .. if they are gone ... but why they don't remove Guestbloom Fertilizer daily quest? lol! they're funny...

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I guess so that people who still had guestblooms could at least finish them.

There is a really small chance that when you feed someone else's bloom you will get the same type of guestbloom back. So there is a way to get new ones. Just not a very good or reliable way.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 7/12/2019 at 1:24 PM, IGhost-DN said:

Hello, is gusetbloom removed? If yes, what am I do to get guestpetal? @Cyan

Nope they are not removed, but they are harder to get.
1.- Buy a house then you can buy from your city's seller (they sell few)
2.- Traveling shugos has some more that you can adquire.
3.- watering other players can yield one with a small chance.

mostly remaining guestblooms are useless but are nice for decoration.

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