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Invisible Ranger


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2 hours ago, Aly-DN said:

¿Por qué? Las semillas de detección siempre han estado en el juego. Tienen un cd. No es que alguien pueda tener uno constantemente. No acumule cerca de su objetivo y ni siquiera sabrán que debe explotarlo. 

Having a time of use does not imply that you make the skill useless when you use it

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I didn't imply that. I just said it can't be constantly in use.

The point here is.. play smarter. That can be taken as a rude thing to say, but it actually applies here. You know that people have seeds. You know they will be able to see you. So just play smarter. Don't buff up within chat range of your target. Or do buff but from the edge of your target's chat range and force them to use their seed, run off using mau and then come back and attack them before the cd is over.

Hide isn't a get-out-jail-free card like it is for assassin, who actually risks a lot more than a ranger since they have to be up close and personal with their target. If you want sin skills then roll a sin. Don't complain because you aren't a sin.

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1 hour ago, Aly-DN said:

No implicaba eso. Solo dije que no se puede usar constantemente.

El punto aquí es ... juega más inteligente. Eso puede tomarse como algo grosero, pero en realidad se aplica aquí. Sabes que la gente tiene semillas. Sabes que podrán verte. Así que solo juega de manera más inteligente. No acumule dentro del rango de chat de su objetivo. O mejora pero desde el borde del rango de chat de tu objetivo y obligalos a usar su semilla, huye con mau y luego regresa y ataca antes de que termine el CD.

Hide no es una carta para salir de la cárcel como lo es para un asesino, que en realidad arriesga mucho más que un guardabosques, ya que tienen que ser cercanos y personales con su objetivo. Si quieres habilidades para el pecado, entonces lanza un pecado. No te quejes porque no eres un pecado.

Thanks for your opinion.

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On 19/8/2019 at 6:53 AM, Aly-DN said:

Why? Seeds of Detection have always been in the game. 

Any serious PvPer will always carry Seeds of detection, that is something i accepted long time ago and i have learned to play against.

But 6.X changed the availability.

Before 3.x the only source was gathering with 0.5% chance to get them.

From 4.x onwards you could buy them with ancient coins from a shugo but the sale was limited 5 per day.

In 5.X i used to sell them 2M each and broker had very few posted.

Now everybody can get an unlimited supply of them, really cheap 80k each in lakrum npcs.

So i understand the pain of less experienced Rangers lol xD

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5 hours ago, DevilNest-KT said:

Any serious PvPer will always carry Seeds of detection, that is something i accepted long time ago and i have learned to play against.

But 6.X changed the availability.

Before 3.x the only source was gathering with 0.5% chance to get them.

From 4.x onwards you could buy them with ancient coins from a shugo but the sale was limited 5 per day.

In 5.X i used to sell them 2M each and broker had very few posted.

Now everybody can get an unlimited supply of them, really cheap 80k each in lakrum npcs.

So i understand the pain of less experienced Rangers lol xD

but I bet you were happy when you found out that NC removed the sorcs's skill that made them possible to see through your hide, and your adaptation to that change was instantly, isn't it? :P


(crying becasue i want that skill back)

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