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Everything start to going back to subscription base


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Google just recently revealed they working on a service called google play pass which 5$ per month and you will be able to access ads free and all their in-app purchases to be unlocked.
Same as Apple did announcement of Apple Arcade and many online games switch back to subscription base including Astellia will including sub base 10$ a month.

Maybe free to play business is over ? Everything starting to go back to quality base subscription without p2w.
If Aion live long enough we might see Aion in sub base again.

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6 hours ago, Neleth-KT said:

Google just recently revealed they working on a service called google play pass which 5$ per month and you will be able to access ads free and all their in-app purchases to be unlocked.
Same as Apple did announcement of Apple Arcade and many online games switch back to subscription base including Astellia will including sub base 10$ a month.

Maybe free to play business is over ? Everything starting to go back to quality base subscription without p2w.
If Aion live long enough we might see Aion in sub base again.

...I don't pay anythign for adblock plus and I don't even remeber what advertisements are on the internet. Whoever doesn't use adblock plus then welcome to the 21st century.

43 minutes ago, Chifuru-EK said:

we got successful games like lol and fornite which are still free to play. 

My 11 year old nephew is playing it. Back in my days we had Quake 3 and counter strike. They got a new hype, it will deflate like pokemon go sooner or later.

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I believed that Aion NA could try relaunch as subscription model again if changes following by 5$ a month
-Default 12 max characters without prestige pack
-Reintroduce luna craft skins and mount from 5.8 day
-Give 3 Ancient Transformation Scrolls every week
-Replaced transformation scrolls with transparent scrolls in GST.
-Reintroduce NPCs that deleted during 6.0 such as emote NPC,Dye NPC,Clothing NPC
-Reintroduce old instances and up mobs level to 80 and coins NPCs that got deleted and no skins from them in world drops such as AM/EF,Rentus Base (old) and Linkgate for farming AC skins
-Make everything from white gears until ancient gears brokerable and tradable
-Move craft kinah box to special craft that you can craft anytime and minimal money you get from it 10kk
-Reintroduce guestblooms that buyable with kinah and NPCs that you can use guest petals to buy items and remove guestbloom CD

That's all nothing changes to the core of the game no need classic I believed if NCwest goes by this method 80% of players ready to pay for 5$
Nobody will complain about 6.0 7.0 anymore

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On 9/11/2019 at 3:15 AM, Neleth-KT said:

Google just recently revealed they working on a service called google play pass which 5$ per month and you will be able to access ads free and all their in-app purchases to be unlocked.
Same as Apple did announcement of Apple Arcade and many online games switch back to subscription base including Astellia will including sub base 10$ a month.

Maybe free to play business is over ? Everything starting to go back to quality base subscription without p2w.
If Aion live long enough we might see Aion in sub base again.

Astellia subscription will be for those who are checking out the game, but not willing to pay for one of the three packages.  If you've bought a package, then you don't have to pay monthly.

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