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Small suggestion


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2 hours ago, Matsukamy-KT said:

Well, the same as the website used to serve. Since they are not fixing that, this is a possible alternative.

Why would you want to know someone else's items? And how are the items even displayed, what if someone puts lower items on purpose do they get automatically updated?

The website was abused and thus stopped, I do not see any reason to continue to show the details of people's characters, not that it matters because in the end everyone has the exact same items.

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Why would you want to know someone else's items?

It is the creators intention that you see them, because in Korea, they still can see them. It's nice to see if their damage is justified by their gear, or if their moving speed matches their boots and transformations, because there are a lot of hackers in this game. 


And how are the items even displayed, what if someone puts lower items on purpose do they get automatically updated?

it would work exactly like it does now, except you would not have the option to hide. What do you want to hide ?


The website was abused and thus stopped, I do not see any reason to continue to show the details of people's characters, not that it matters because in the end everyone has the exact same items.

Not even wrong.

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With all the shitty bugs affecting instances and rewards, you are worried about this.   SMFH

Lets get the EC bug, the instance bugs and gp rewards fixed before worrying about this.


Also, if you remember when we did have an armory type function, it was being abused cause there was a comment section.  Other than that to disable the hide feature is least of the problems in Aion.


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