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Special Inventory Cube For Registered Gear


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Remember the time when all the quest items, coins and tokens were stored in that same regular inventory cube along with everything else? Then eventually devs were enlightened and introduced a special cube for quest/event items and tokens, bless them. But we're still struggling with inventory space, especially classes that require to carry with them multiple gear sets and stigmas. So please consider adding a special inventory cube for registered/assigned gear and maybe stigmas as well. Inventory is loaded as it is, with all the mats, consumables, mounts, enchantment and manastones, drops etc.

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  • 2 weeks later...

That would be awesome, I also thought about something similar in the past. My thought was to have something similar to the weapon change when you hit Shift+Z, so we have another weapon loaded but it is not used and we go to that, what if every "set" we have actually holds the items as well so when we click that we actually "activate" that specific set, same way it is happening now, but those sets would also hold the items not just link them.

But yeah, making another cube just for soul-bound gear would still work as intended. Because we still have a ton of inventory with pets, but they are not directly accessible.

If this is not possible, we should at least be able to increase our inventory past the 6 bags we currently have.

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