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Prestige Pass "brokerable" (?


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Did I miss the big announcement? When did this happen?

@Cyan why there is no big announcement about this? wouldn't be cool if you guys introduce it with a 15% discount if players buy 2 in other to encourage ppl to buy it?

One tiny observation, having 2 different options (one can be brokered the other not) is not confusing? what do buyers think about that?

Anyways, I love this is here!! thx!



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Next step is to make NC codes sell-able in BCM and make them brokerable. Make money NCWest, we know you want it.

P.S. just because that person placed that 90 days pass for 2 billion that doesn't mean this is how much it should cost. People have been selling 30 day prestige passes for like 300~350m so a 90 day would cost close to a billion. And it has nothing to do with what it offers, but how much it costs with real money, same way some broker-able things are sold for said prices because of how much they cost.

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18 hours ago, Lapis-DN said:

nice change but its too expensive

on EU every player can get a gold pack with a little monthly farm and it offers WAY MORE benefits

It's only expensive because one potato decided to sell it for that much. The EU Gold Pack is also priced for market demand. You can't play EU even slightly seriously without a Gold Pack, so everyone needs one. As long as enough players buy them and resell them on the broker, the price remains reasonable. If less players buy them from the shop, then the price will increase. The prices on the broker isn't set by EU any more than it is set here in NA. There have been times on the EU servers when the Gold Pack was priced way out of the price range of the casual player.

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6 hours ago, Serilda-DN said:

(Like some people of DN-E paying over 300m for a fighting spirit box)

...lol that too, we have people selling spirit fragment boxes for 200m or something, which is like 5m per spirit fragment.

Getting one ancient conqueror weapon and extracting it gives you 5~7 spirit fragments and manastone fasteners. Yesterday I bought like 10+ of these weapons for 11m each, so the cost was about 1,5m~2,2m per spirit fragment plus the fasteners.

That material for transferring spirit fragments is super idiotic because it costs 240 BCM and that is 4x resets on IB/ID that gives a ton more rewards plus much more spirit fragments. So the price the people put the spirit fragment boxes on broker reflects that, so it is not entirely their fault, ti is just you can get more spirit fragments with the same kinah or same BCM it requires to pay to get the capsule material.

I did make a post like this when they first implemented those.


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14 hours ago, Aly-DN said:

It's only expensive because one potato decided to sell it for that much. The EU Gold Pack is also priced for market demand. You can't play EU even slightly seriously without a Gold Pack, so everyone needs one. As long as enough players buy them and resell them on the broker, the price remains reasonable. If less players buy them from the shop, then the price will increase. The prices on the broker isn't set by EU any more than it is set here in NA. There have been times on the EU servers when the Gold Pack was priced way out of the price range of the casual player.


I agree with you.

A reasonable price for 30 days of prestige pack should range between 300~400m. (If you convert 1200ncoin to IRL money on the black market thats what you get)

but people are selling it for 800m~1b


maybe the players who saved insane ammounts of kinah back in 5.x days are fine with those prices

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