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About Legendary Transformation Contract Alchemy Reagent


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I hope we get an answer pretty soon about how often we can purchase that items. I am trying to do this event on 2 toons. Do something on my main, afk and do something on a toon I want to gear up and afk on it as well. 2 characters is as far as I am willing to go. So can we please get an answer on how many times we can purchase that item @Cyan

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3 hours ago, Vantheria-DN said:

We probably won't get an answer from NCsoft, so we'll see next Wednesday after reset, I guess... sigh.

It's only available once per account and will not be resetting. We've also decided to not sell it on the store for BCC.

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32 minutes ago, Cyan said:

It's only available once per account and will not be resetting. We've also decided to not sell it on the store for BCC.


I knew this event was too good to be true, something didn't quite fit

although I am also glad to read you guys decided not to put it on sale at the BCM, so this brings me mixed feelings

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31 minutes ago, Cyan said:

It's only available once per account and will not be resetting. We've also decided to not sell it on the store for BCC.

Is it then possible to have only (and ONLY) the transform fragment count down on all characters instead of 1? (since we can only get 1 reagent)

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1 hour ago, Cyan said:

It's only available once per account and will not be resetting. We've also decided to not sell it on the store for BCC.

I knew something was gonna happen to make this event the worst. So its only 1 leg contract per account and thats even if you get 20 contract pieces before event ends. Why didnt you guys put a limit on it instead of making ppl guess 

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2 hours ago, Vessttemona-KT said:


I knew this event was too good to be true, something didn't quite fit

although I am also glad to read you guys decided not to put it on sale at the BCM, so this brings me mixed feelings


57 minutes ago, Fungie-DN said:

I knew something was gonna happen to make this event the worst. So its only 1 leg contract per account and thats even if you get 20 contract pieces before event ends. Why didnt you guys put a limit on it instead of making ppl guess 

This event has been one of the best for a free to play in a long Time and you still come to complains?

Understand that events where legendary transforms are the biggest Price and you can get multiple Will be very p2w (like shugo's tomb).


Quit the stupid complains or we will end without decent events again.

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@Cyan please be reasonable, why are you guys always trying to make things nonsense? why did you make the <[Event] Mysterious Legendary Transformation Contract Piece Bundle> available for all characters on the same account then? if the account can't have more than one <[Event] Legendary Transformation Contract Alchemy Reagent>?  why we can get more pieces on other toons all of them share the same transformations? if there is a reason please tell us...

And if you are afraid of ppl getting more legendary transformations "which I don't know why?" how many transformations can anyone get from this event on 1 account? 3 may be 4 and if he/she is super lucky 5 if the reagent is available????

btw if you want to control it more, there are lots of ways to do so!! like if the piece bundle only gives 1 piece or you don't give a bundle in the first place and it is a piece every 6 hours then even with unlimited reagents, by that only 3 transformations are available maximum per account. " no one will get 4 nor even 3 tbh"

Even if you make the reagent once per character, how many characters an account with full-lvl80-13 characters can stand 6 hours a day to get pieces???? do the math. and I tell you to make it harder and give only 1 piece per 6 hours per day per character to make sure even the RNG wont give it lol..

I like this game and I respect all of you guys but really really why you keep doing this to the game? why you disappoint ppl? why always giving something seems to be good at first sight and turn it out to be ridiculous in a nonsense way? 

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1 minute ago, Serilda-DN said:

Quit the stupid complains or we will end without decent events again.

Decent event? Have some standards dude. This doesnt even compare to the events that we use to have in past patches.

This one isnt even P2W, no one gets to buy the Reagent more than once for the rest of the event unlike Shugo Tomb where people were buying reset scrolls left and right.

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21 minutes ago, Serilda-DN said:


This event has been one of the best for a free to play in a long Time and you still come to complains?

Understand that events where legendary transforms are the biggest Price and you can get multiple Will be very p2w (like shugo's tomb).


Quit the stupid complains or we will end without decent events again.

I never said that this was a bad event, much less I was complaining, simply, I like everyone else, I wondered (as we all in the forum since they had not mentioned that information) how many times you could buy the free item in the BCM, that if that item was reseted on wednesday i was planing how many hours to play my main char and then my main alt char, so i could get at the end of this event at least two legendary transformation scrolls, and now that we know the item wont reset next wednesday, i wont be able to do that, thats why i said that.

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4 hours ago, Cyan said:

It's only available once per account and will not be resetting. We've also decided to not sell it on the store for BCC.

So you have an event item that all characters on a account can get for 3 weeks but you can only get the needed item once? How much thought was put into that idea. Can only guess that when you do get the transform it will not be for your main class. What would be the point on going the full 6 hours on any other character except main? To get a untradeable  expiring legendary enchant stone? 

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How familiar are you guys with the term slavery and the historical content that goes behind it?

Stay logged in 6 hours a day, for potentially 20 days to get 1 legendary contract?

I don't want to compare it anywhere close to slavery as that would be ignorant and insensitive on my part, but damn NCsoft, you guys are really pushing your limits.

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It's great that everyone can get a legendary contract just by being logged in for 6 hours for free. What I don't understand is why NCWest isn't willing to -sell- extra Reagents over and above the one we get for free. They would make a metric ton of real life kinah and isn't that the goal? I mean.. hell. They are -selling- ultimate PvP enchantment stones!

Everything is for sale in Aion now. Everything. There are no limits any more.

Why put your foot down on this event item?

It just makes no sense.

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12 hours ago, Cyan said:

It's only available once per account and will not be resetting. We've also decided to not sell it on the store for BCC.

in one message this whole event went from glorious and worth sacrificing sleep and other real world necessities to why should i even bother doing anything thats even remotely outside the normal grinding instances and BS-ing with acquaintances we've met over the years. *sigh* at this rate with good RNG on the bags most of us will be done with this event by end of week 2 or so. At least we know we can stop pursuing this event so heavily i suppose. 

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18 minutes ago, Vantheria-DN said:


Welp, I guess I'll just do 6 hours on my main then and do 2 hours on a couple alts for extra fragments once they become warehouse tradeable in 7.2.

^ This. Or it would be worth afking for alts that you play with any regularity, but meh. 

This does change the whole event.

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Seriously the sense of entitlement of this community continues to amaze me to this day.

You literally just have to log in and sit afk for 6 hours for 20 days, don't have to do a thing in game and you get rewarded with something free.  You know the exact same thing many people complained about in ec people afking getting rewarded so we need the kick back?  You can't do it on every toon oh well you still get something free for doing ZERO. So not rewarding multiple toons on an account for doing nothing but afking works for me.

I mean the only thing should complain about in this event is the fact that we were not told this at the start of it.

I get it makes little sense to have the event be character based but the bcm item is account based but seriously the fact people still think this company wasn't going to do something like that is surprising.

Anyways my 2 cents if you don't like it don't login it really is that simple.  You can still get free enchants( 7 days or Not) and frags so not a total loss.

Don't get free stuff people complain, they give you something free for doing nothing people complain.

Just like in Real Life if something sounds to good to be true it probably is.  If you are that naive I know a warlord who has 2 million dollars to give you just send me your banking info so I can send it to you. :-)



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